Press Coverage of the Rindos Affair - 1997

NOTE: Only those reports with (+) are available online. If anyone can supply missing items, I would be most appreciative!

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(-) The Sunday Times 12 Jan: Bennett's Beat: "Ghost of Rindos"
(+) The West Australian 14 Jan: "UWA chief gets nod on Rindos"
(+) The Australian 15 Jan: "Rindos probe finds past inadequacies"
(+) The West Australian 15 Jan: "Rindos saga not over: MP"
(+) The West Australian 15 Jan Editorial, "It's time to let Rindos affair rest"
(+) The Sunday Times 19 Jan: Bennett's Beat: "Stir by degrees"
(+) The Sunday Times 19 Jan: "Discipline unlikely: UWA report"


(+) American Anthropological Association Anthropology Newsletter: obituary
(+) The Sunday Times 16 Feb: Bennett's Beat: "Lobby Lingers"


(+) The Reporter 6 Mar: Trouble in cyberspace: meeting on Internet sparks international uproar
(+) Sunday Times 9 Mar: UWA amends Rindos report by Joe Poprzeczny
(+) Sunday Times 16 Mar: Bennett's Beat Rindos lives on
(+) News Chronicle 18-24 Mar: "Up Front"
(+) Sunday Times 23 Mar: Playing it straight
(+) Sunday Times 30 Mar: Uni by degrees



(+) the West Australian 1 May: Rindos inquiry to contine: MLC by Michael Day
(+) The Australian 7 May: Rindos probe team promises answers by Ross Storey





(+) The West Australian 8 Sep: Forensic test used to trace leak



(+) The West Australian 27 Nov: Rindos leaks tied to MP's office by Michael Day
(+) The West Australian 28 Nov: Rindos affair leaks rapped by UWA by Michael Day


(+) UWA Press Release 4 Dec "The University of Western Australia today stood by its decision in 1991 to deny tenure to the late Dr David Rindos."
(+) The West Australian 5 Dec: UWA unfair to Rindos, says committee report by Michael Day
(+) The West Australian 6 Dec: Emotional farwell for 'inspirational leader' by Carmelo Amalfi
(+) Sunday Times 7 Dec: MP calls for Rindos cash by Joe Poprzeczny
(+) The West Australian 8 Dec: Politicians intrude on academe (editorial)
(+) The Australian 10 Dec: UWA rebuked over Rindos affair by Ross Storey
(+) The Australian 11 Dec: Rindos affair points to academic hubris (editorial)
(+) The Australian 16 Dec: Uni stands by its decision on Rindos letter from VC Fay Gale
(+) The Australian 17 Dec: Breakaway trio to make award submissions by Guy Healy
(+) The West Australian 20 Dec: "Your editorial contained an interesting conclusion..." letter from Hon. Kim Chance
(+) Sunday Times 21 Dec: An academic interest in conflict (editorial)
(+) The West Australian 26 Dec: "Your report ..., your editorial ... and Kim Chance's letter ..." letter from C.J. Kenneison

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