the West Australian

  • May 1, 1997, p. 43

    Rindos inquiry to continue: MLC

  • By Michael Day

    THE parliamentary inquiry into the Rindos affair at the University of WA will continue, despite the death of David Rindos last December.

    Public hearings were likely to resume after the Legislative Council's public administration committee received legal advice in about a fortnight, committee chairman Kim Chance said yesterday.

    Mr. Chance said the committee, which met yesterday, did not put a time limit on the inquiry but many more public hearings were likely.

    Last year, the Upper House inquiry held more than 22 meetings, heard from 17 witnesses and received 60 written submissions before it wound up without reaching a conclusion.

    The hearings were into the committee's first term of reference -- the 1993 denial of tenure to Dr Rindos, who had held a contract since 1989 as a senior lecturer in archaeology.

    The decision not to give him a permanent contract led to the biggest controversy in UWA's history.

    Dr Rindos, 49, died of natural causes.

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