Press Coverage of the Rindos Case

The Newspaper reports included in these archives are reproduced with the permission of the authors. Copyright is retained by those authors and their publishers, so reproduction in any medium is prohibited without permission.

Annual Menu:

+ Press Articles from 1992
+ Press Articles from 1993
+ Press Articles from 1994
+ Press Articles from 1995
+ Press Articles from 1996
+ Press Articles from 1997
+ Press Articles from 1998

Newsmedia where the "case" has been covered:

* the Australian (also see their sister project, the Australian Online)
(Australian national daily newspaper with weekly higher education supplement)
* Australian Broadcasting Corporation
(Australian national radio)
* the Bulletin
* Campus Review
"Australasia's Higher Education and Training Newspaper"
(Australian national weekly newspaper)
* the London Times
(British daily newspaper)
* the Nation
* News Chronicle
* New Scientist
(weekly, international science & technology magazine)
* Postscript Newsletter
(quarterly local publication of the UWA Postgraduates Student Association)
* Straits Times of Singapore
* Subiaco Post
* Sunday Times
(Western Australian weekly newspaper)
* Sydney Telegraph
* the Chronicle of Higher Education
(US weekly professional academic newspaper)
* the Reporter
(weekly, independant University at Buffalo newspaper)
* Weekend Australian
* the West Australian and their Web project @ccess
(Western Australian daily newspaper)
* the Whistle
* Western Independant

ALL archived articles are © at date marked and ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED by the original authors/publishers.

Last modified: Aug 28, 2003

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