The Sunday Times

  • February 16, 1997

    Bennett's Beat p. 45.

    When David Rindos died in December some thought the affair would be buried with him. But the issue is very much alive.

    Former students, friends and academics have pulled together to form an action group. It will have its conception at a meeting on Tuesday.

    Speaking for the group, Mandy Yates, who was one of the students who expressed concern at what went on with UWA's archaeology department said they would lobby the UWA senate, its Visitor, Governor Mike Jeffery, and the WA Parliament.

    Dr Rindos became a whistleblower and maintained until his death that he was the victim of a situation that existed before he arrived in Perth.

    After a university review, the archaeology department was scrapped and its head, Sandra Bowdler, moved to another department.

    Mandy said the move for an action group started as a ringaround among friends and former students but it seemed some academics wanted to become involved.

    "None of the issues has been addressed or resolved," Mandy said of the issues raised and examined in the review.

    Those wanting the action group formed believed there has been a whitewash of the events that led to Dr Rindos being given the flick by the uni.

    "We are pretty angry that the Vice-Chancellor said she had not received any complaints about the department," Mandy said. "Some of us spent hours writing submissions to her."

    She said a lot of people assumed that because Dr Rindos was dead, the matter should be dropped. But he wasn't the only person involved and they wanted answers to their concerns.

    They also wanted to ensure the parliamentary inquiry into Dr Rindos being denied tenure continued so the matter could be justly resolved.