The following links are to transcripts of a series of questions raised during 1993 and 1994 in the West Australian Parliament by the Hon Mark Nevill, the formal answers (as provided by the University of Western Australia to the Minister for Education, Hon Norman Moore), and documented responses by Dr Rindos to the University's answers. The second set of questions, in particular, is a fairly long document.

Towards the end of the 1995 sitting of Parliament, the Hon Mark Nevill MLC delivered a speech to the Members of the Upper House [the Legislative Council] regarding the events which had unfolded over the past years in UWA's Archeology department, and the manner in which complaints about that department had been handled by the Executive of the University. Following the speech, leave was asked, and granted to table numerous documents relating to the "Archaeology Affair" at UWA. As is pointed out in this speech, he had also earlier presented evidence to the powerful Standing Committee on Government Agencies.

On 21 March 1996, this Committee issued a press release noting its intentions to carry out an Inquiry. This was followed up, on March 28th, by another release providing the broad Terms of Reference governing their Inquiry. It is believed that the public hearings should be begin in the very near future. A request has been made to the Members of the Committee that the transcripts of these hearings be carried on the Web Site for the West Australian Parliament.

On 22 April, 1996, the first public hearing was held. The Vice-Chancellor, Fay Gale, before being questioned by members of the Committee, presented a Statement giving her views of the issues, the Committee, and the events leading up to the Inquiry.

Dec 4, 1997, the Parliamentary Report has finally been completed and released by the Standing Committee on Public Administration. Report 4 - The events surrounding the denial of tenure to the late Dr David Rindos by the University of Western Australia (4 Dec 1997) presented by the Hon Kim Chance, MLC (Chairman).

The report is now available officially through the WA Parliamentary copy.

Dave Rindos has been completely vindicated of all claims made against him. The essence is that he was denied natural justice, that the procedures of the University were at fault, and that the behaviour of some of those at UWA whose task it was to conduct a fair and comprehensive internal inquiry into the matter was questionable (see email messages by Leon Deleuil and Julian O'Dea for initial details.) UWA has replied that this is not really the case, in a media statement dated December 4, 1997.

June 1, 2000, the Committee has released a second document, Report No 15, which addresses in somewhat broader terms another of the original terms of reference of the Rindos/UWA inquiry: The Appeals and Review Processes for Western Australian Universities(1 Jun 2000). The report is now available officially through the WA Parliamentary copy.

Members of Parliament, details of committees, evidence tendered, and reports are all accessible through the Western Australia Parliament and Standing Committees websites.

Last modified: Aug 28, 2003

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