Standing Committee on Government Agencies
Media Statement - 21 March 1996

The Legislative Council's Standing Committee on Government Agencies ("Committee") today announced its intention to undertake an inquiry into the events surrounding the denial of tenure to Dr David Rindos by the University of Western Australia.

In particular, the Committee has taken account of the comments and information provided by Hon Mark Nevill MLC both to the House and to the Committee, and the recent extensive and contradictory news coverage in the press.

The Committee's approach and terms of reference of the inquiry are to be determined at the next meeting of the Committee and will be released at the earliest possible time.

Futher details are available from the Chairman of the Committee, Hon Barry House MLC by telephone on (09) 222 7222 or (097) 91 2244 or by facisimile on (097) 91 2326.

Parliament House Perth WA 6000 Facisimile (09) 321 2914