6 Dec 1988
Professor Sandra Bowdler to the Deans of Science and Arts.
Letter of support for hiring of Dr Rindos.

2 Aug 1989
V. M. Mippy to Roy Lourens (Acting VC).

July 1990
Archaeology Department Finances

Mid-December 1990
Dr David Rindos to Professor Charles Oxnard
Account of events while Dr Rindos was acting as Head of Department.

29 February 1991
Dr D Rindos to Profeesor C Oxnard
Formal Report on irregular hiring procedures.

11 September 1991
A female student to Dr Rindos
CC: Vice-Chancellor, Head of Geography, Director, Personnel.

21 October 1991
Professor Oxnard to Professor Bowdler.

December 1991
The Report of the Archaeology Review Committee

16 January 1992
Professors Moulden and Bruce (of the Review Committee) to the Heads
of division and other high university administrators.
Confidential memo summarising the findings of their Committee.

5 February 1992
Professors Bruce and Moulden to Vice-Chancellor.

5 February 1992
Testimony by a female postgraduate student to the Vice-Chancellor.

7 February 1992
A female student to the Vice-Chancellor

9 February 1992
A female student to the Vice-Chancellor

10 February 1992
Mr Joe Mattner to Vice-Chancellor.

11 February 1992
Dr Rindos' statement to the Vice-Chancellor.

12 February 1992
An female ex-Student's Statement to the Vice-Chancellor.

13 February 1992
P.L. Spinner, Dominion Mining Testimony.

17 February 1992
An female ex-Student's Statement to the Vice-Chancellor.

20 February 1992
Report to Planning and Resources Committe

25 February 1992
Professor Sylvia Hallam to Vice-Chancellor

26 February 1992
Dr Rindos to Vice-Chancellor.

27 February 1992
A female PhD Student to Dr Partis

2 March 1992
Professor Moulden to Dr Partis.

6 March 1992
A female PhD student to the Vice-Chancellor

16 June 1992
Professor Bruce to Vice-Chancellor Gale
Strong complaint about the handling of the Archaeology Affair and the
plan to deny tenure to Dr Rindos

30 June 1992
A female student's letter to Senate about move of archaeology.

10 Aug 1992
A male PhD student to Senate.
This letter makes clear that alternative supervision was being
arranged for Dr Rindos' students well before he was denied tenure.

17 August 1992
A female PhD student to Senate

9 September 1992
A female student to Dr Rindos:

14 September 1992
A female student to N Bruce on harassment by Sue O'Connor.

1 October 1992
A female student to the Vice-Chancellor.
Another complaint about Dr O'Connor's letter.

10 November 1992
Professor S Hallam to Professor J Jory.
Professor Hallam points out that Dr Rindos is deserving tenure.

11 November 1992
Professor Davidison to the Vice-Chancellor
Letter in support of Dr Rindos' tenuring.

23 November 1992
A female student to Dr Rindos.
This is the cover letter for a copy of to her original submission to
the Vice-Chancellor of 5 February 1992.

4 December 1992
Dr Rindos to Vice-Chancellor.
CC: FAUSA and Personnel.
Dr Rindos requests that the vice-chancellor immediately confirm his

20 March 1993
Prof Neville Bruce to Various (VERY widely copied)
Serious problems continue unababted.

22 March 1993
Female Student to PhD Committee (very widely copied).
Sudent withrdaws from UWA to to finish her PhD overseas.

23 March 1993
Professor Robert Dunnell
Professor Dunnell writes to support Dr Rindos' tenure.

5 April 1993
Professor Alan Thorne, Australian National University.
Protest letter

15 April 1993
Rindos reply to Wood Committee.

20 April 1993
Dr Scott Cane
Letter of protest.

26 May 1993
Professor Neville Bruce to Professor Robert Wood.
Last-minute attempts to prevent injustice of Dr Rindos being sacked.

18 June 1993
Dr Alex Baines to Senate.
Letter protesting Dr Rindos' denial of tenure .

18 June 1993
Professor Iain Davidson to Senate.
To protest denial of tenure.

18 June 1993
Professor C Peebles to Senate.
Letter of protest

22 June 1993
Willem De Winter to the Vice-Chancellor.

1 December 1993
Statutory Declaration: A Budrikis.

1 December 1993
Professor Charles Oxnard to D Rindos.

12 December 1993
Statement by Professor Gray.

30 January 1994
Ms Amanda Yates to Dr Rindos.

9 February 1994
Professor Lord Colin Renfrew to the Vice-Chancellor.
Letter of complaint

21 February 1994
Professor Robert Parfitt Statement.
Testimony from the ex Deputy Vice-Chancellor

2 March 1994
H Collier, CPA to Fay Gale.
Letter of complaint

3 March 1994
Dr Anthony Barker. Statement.
Statement on plan to protect Bowdler and sack Rindos.

7 March 1994
A Professor of History. Statement
Second statement on History dealings

23 May 1994
Professor Bernard Moulden to Dr Rindos.

31 May 1994
Professor Bruce to Dr Rindos

1 June 1994
Andrus Budrikis to Dr Rindos.

7 June 1994
Willem de Winter to Dr Rindos

28 June 1994
Profssor Gordon Stanley to Vice-Chancellor Gale.

18 April 1995
D Rindos: Stautory Declaration.

5 June 1995
Mr Mark Walters. Statement

15 June 1995
A female student driven out of Archaeology to a UWA PhD student.

17 June 1995
Mr Rory O'Connor to Mark Nevill.

2 July 1995
Professor R Parfitt to Professor G Stanley
Damage continues to increase