------------------------------ (orig. posted to ANTHRO-L@LISTSERV.ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU and ARCH-L@LISTSERV.TAMU.EDU) Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 13:07:12 +1100 From: Julian O'Dea Subject: "UWA rebuked over Rindos af "UWA rebuked over Rindos affair" Here are a couple of quotes from an article by Ross Storey in "The Australian" newspaper of 10 December 1997, p.29 in the Higher Education supplement: "The University of Western Australia has been reprimanded by a State parliamentary inquiry into the denial of tenure to archaeologist David Rindos. The decision came too late for Dr Rindos, who died a year ago, but will have implications for all universities. .... The report, handed down last week, says the American-born Dr Rindos did not have adequate and fair opportunities to present his case ... ... in a letter to Dr Rindos in 1993, Professor [Fay] Gale acknowledged that her decision was based on matters additional to a tenure review committee's finding on academic grounds, and these matters related to his difficulties with Professor [Sandra] Bowdler and the future scope of the archaeology program." Anyone interested in more information on this bizarre case could start by looking at http://joc.mit.edu/uwa/rindos/History/history-m.html#discovery Julian O'Dea julian.odea@dpie.gov.au http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/5396/ ------------------------------