Brian Martin: publications on peace, war and nonviolence



Major articles and book chapters

Guest-edited journal issue

Other articles

Unpublished papers


Articles in news media


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Responses to critiques of nonviolence


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Brian Martin's publications

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Brian Martin. Francine's quest: learning from the academy and the street (Sparsnäs, Sweden: Irene Publishing, 2025), 172 pages. A story about what activists can learn from academics, if anything.

Brian Martin. Persistent panics: the wars on drugs, crime, terrorism and war (Sparsnäs, Sweden: Irene Publishing, 2022), 310 pages. The four "wars" share features of moral panics and long-lived public scientific controversies. Are there ways to end these persistent panics?

Jørgen Johansen and Brian Martin. Social defence (Sparsnäs, Sweden: Irene Publishing, 2019), 174 pages. Social defence is nonviolent community resistance as an alternative to military defence.

Brian Martin. The deceptive activist (Sparsnäs, Sweden: Irene Publishing, 2017), 168 pages. Key ideas about lying and deception in everyday life, with case studies for activists.

Brian Martin. Nonviolence Unbound (Sparsnäs, Sweden: Irene Publishing, 2015), 354 pages. Features of nonviolent action are used to analyse responses to verbal abuse and online defamatory comments, and to analyse methods used in disputes over euthanasia and vaccination.

Brian Martin. Justice Ignited: The Dynamics of Backfire (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007), 244 pages

Brian Martin and Wendy Varney. Nonviolence Speaks: Communicating against Repression (Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2003).

Brian Martin. Nonviolence versus capitalism (London: War Resisters' International, 2001).

Brian Martin. Technology for Nonviolent Struggle (London: War Resisters' International, 2001).

Brian Martin. Social Defence, Social Change (London: Freedom Press, 1993), 157 pages.

Brian Martin. Uprooting War (London: Freedom Press, 1984), xi+298 pages. Revised edition published in Italian as La Piramide Rovesciata: Per Sradicare la Guerra (Molfetta: Edizioni La Meridiana, 1990). Chapters 1 and 2, slightly edited, reprinted as: The limits of the peace movement. Our Generation, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 3-21 (Spring-Summer 1986).


Brian Martin. Backfire manual: tactics against injustice (Sparsnäs, Sweden: Irene Publishing, 2012), 106 pages. A practical handbook for activists. Available in several languages.

Brian Martin, Sharon Callaghan and Chris Fox, with Rosie Wells and Mary Cawte. Challenging Bureaucratic Elites (Wollongong: Schweik Action Wollongong, 1997), 55 pages. Available in html and pdf.

Jacki Quilty, Lynne Dickins, Phil Anderson and Brian Martin. Capital Defence: Social Defence for Canberra (Canberra: Canberra Peacemakers, 1986), 68 pages. Published in Italian as Un Modello di Difesa Populare Nonviolenta (Molfetta: Edizioni la Meridiana, 1987). Published in Dutch as Sociale Verdediging voor Canberra (Utrecht: Opleiding Sociale Vredesdienst, 1989).

Journal articles and book chapters

Brian Martin. Social defence - state of the art. In Bund für Soziale Verteidigung, Hintergrund- und Diskussionspapier No. 87, Documentation of an Online-Conference, Civilian-Based Defence Put to the Test: Current Issues and Practical Challenges, February 2025, pp. 10-13.

Brian Martin. Sabotage is the wrong climate radicalism. Journal of Pacifism and Nonviolence, vol. 2, 2024, pp. 264-268. A response to Andreas Malm's book How to blow up a pipeline.

Majken Jul Sørensen and Brian Martin. Beyond nonviolent regime change: anarchist insights. Peace & Change, vol. 49, 2024, pp. 124-139,

Brian Martin. Nonviolent security: an alternative to African militaries. In Geoff Harris (ed.), Elgar companion to war, conflict and peacekeeping in Africa (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2024), pp. 220-230.

Brian Martin. Killer robots and deepfakes: activists and artificial intelligence. Social Alternatives, vol. 42, no. 1, 2023, pp. 66-70

Brian Martin. Encounters with Steve Wright, mostly at a distance. In Craig S. Brown (ed.), Steve Wright: A Spy for Peace (Sparsnäs, Sweden: Irene Publishing, 2022), pp. 17-23.

Chris Brown, Brian Martin, Liane Munro and Dalilah Shemia-Goeke. Activists and pre-suasion. Peace Studies Journal, vol. 15, no. 1, June 2022, pp. 12-27. What activists can learn from Robert Cialdini's book Pre-suasion.

Brian Martin. Towards strategic rioting? Theory in Action, vol. 15, no. 2, April 2022, pp. 77-91. A response to Benjamin Case's article about nonviolence and rioting.

Brian Martin. Military-protester relations: insights from nonviolence research. Security & Defence Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 4, 2021,

Monika Onken, Dalilah Shemia-Goeke and Brian Martin. Learning from criticisms of civil resistance. Critical Sociology, vol. 47, nos. 7-8, 2021, pp. 1191-1203,

Brian Martin. Riots and resistance: unarmed insurrection and lessons for nonviolent struggle. Gandhi Marg, vol. 42, no. 3, October-December 2020, pp. 157-170. An analysis of Shon Meckfessel's book Nonviolence Ain't What It Used to Be.

Ian Miles and Brian Martin. Reflection-based activism: toward mutual recognition. Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements, vol. 12, no. 2, 2020, pp. 254-269. An alternative to confrontational activism built around seeking to meet human needs.

Brian Martin. Social defence: a revolutionary agenda. In Richard Jackson, Joseph Llewellyn, Griffin Manawaroa Leonard, Aidan Gnoth and Tonga Karena (eds.), Revolutionary Nonviolence: Concepts, Cases and Controversies (London: Zed Books, 2020).

Brian Martin. Death tactics. In Marija Lojanica and Dragan Boskovic (eds.), Doomsday: Death (Kragujevac, Serbia: Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, 2020), pp. 13-26. Tactics used by Death to reduce outrage, with case studies of medicine and war.

Brian Martin. Analysis of a beat-up: the structuring of a sensational media story. Pacific Journalism Review, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2018, pp. 117-133. Critical examination of a 2017 story in the Daily Telegraph about a thesis dealing with torture in the war on terror.

Brian Martin. Foreword. In Lester R. Kurtz and Lee A. Smithey (eds.), The Paradox of Repression and Nonviolent Movements (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2018), pp. xiii-xxiii. An overview of the paradox of repression.

Brian Martin and Majken Jul Sørensen. Investigating nonviolent action by experimental testing. Journal of Resistance Studies, Volume 3, Number 2, 2017, pp. 42-65.

Brian Martin and Patrick G. Coy. Skills, training and activism. Reflective Practice, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2017, pp. 515-525. Activists should give more attention to developing skills through practice.

Brian Martin. Suppression of protest. In Kathrin Fahlenbrach, Martin Klimke and Joachim Scharloth (eds.), Protest Cultures: A Companion (New York: Berghahn Books, 2016), pp. 462-471.

Brian Martin and Florencia Peña Saint Martin. Resistiendo al mobbing: la opción asertiva. In Oliva López Arellano and Florencia Peña Saint Martin (eds.), Salud, Condiciones de Vida y Políticas Sociales. Miradas sobre México (Mexico City, Mexico: Ediciones y Gráficos Eón, 2015), pp. 167-188. The assertive option for resisting mobbing, applied to organisational mobbing in Mexico and public mobbing in Australia.

Brian Martin. How activists can challenge double standards. Interface: a journal for and about social movements, Vol. 7, No. 2, November 2015, pp. 201-213. Tactics for exposing and countering double standards by governments and other powerful groups.

Brian Martin. The dynamics of nonviolence knowledge. Mobilization, Vol. 21, No. 4, 2015, pp. 533-545. A sociological study of research on nonviolent action.

Brian Martin. From political jiu-jitsu to the backfire dynamic: how repression can promote mobilization. In Kurt Schock (ed.), Civil Resistance: Comparative Perspectives on Nonviolent Struggle (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2015), pp. 145-167.

Brian Martin. Whatever happened to social defence? Social Alternatives, vol. 33, no. 4, 2014, pp. 55-60. An explanation for why a nonviolent alternative to military defence has been neglected.

Majken Jul Sørensen and Brian Martin. The dilemma action: analysis of an activist technique. Peace & Change, Vol. 39, No. 1, January 2014, pp. 73-100. On how activists can pose dilemmas to opponents, with case studies of the 1930 salt march in India, total resisters in Norway and the 2010 and 2011 freedom flotillas to Gaza.

Brian Martin. The politics of Gene Sharp. Gandhi Marg, Vol. 35, No. 2, July-September 2013, pp. 201-230. An evaluation of Sharp's contributions to nonviolent action.

Jørgen Johansen, Brian Martin and Matt Meyer. Nonviolence versus US imperialism. Economic & Political Weekly, Vol. 47, No. 38, 22 September 2012, pp. 82-89. Six case studies illustrate the potential of popular unarmed resistance to facets of the US imperial system.

Brian Martin. From means to ends and back again. In Jørgen Johansen and John Y. Jones (eds.), Experiments with Peace: Celebrating Peace on Johan Galtung's 80th Birthday (Cape Town, South Africa: Pambazuka Press, 2010), pp. 214-219. In social action, it can be useful to turn goals into methods and methods into goals.

Brian Martin. Theory for activists. Social Anarchism, No. 44, 2010, pp. 22-41. Comments on developing theory using the example of the backfire model.

Jenny Briscoe, Sharon Callaghan, Karen Kennedy, Brian Martin and Yasmin Rittau. Behind the activism. (Wollongong: Schweik Action Wollongong, 2010). On recognising and valuing behind-the-scenes work in activism.

Brian Martin. Dilemmas in promoting nonviolence. Gandhi Marg, Vol. 31, No. 3, October-December 2009, pp. 429-453.

Brian Martin. Managing outrage over genocide: case study Rwanda. Global Change, Peace & Security, Vol. 21, No. 3, October 2009, pp. 275-290.

Brian Martin. Making accompaniment effective. In Howard Clark (ed.), People Power: Unarmed Resistance and Global Solidarity (London: Pluto Press, 2009), pp. 93-97. The effectiveness of accompaniment - using international observers to protect activists under threat - is explained using the backfire model.

Brian Martin. Nonviolent strategy against capitalism. Social Alternatives, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2009, pp. 42-46.

Samantha Reis and Brian Martin. Psychological dynamics of outrage against injustice. Peace Research: The Canadian Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2008, pp. 5-23.

Chris Barker, Brian Martin and Mary Zournazi. Emotional self-management for activists. Reflective Practice, Vol. 9, No. 4, November 2008, pp. 423-435.

Brian Martin. How nonviolence is misrepresented. Gandhi Marg, Vol. 30, No. 2, July-September 2008, pp. 235-257. Review article of Peter Gelderloos, How Nonviolence Protects the State.

Truda Gray and Brian Martin. Comparing wars. Journal of Military and Strategic Studies (, Vol. 10, No. 3, Spring 2008. Twenty general categories for comparing wars are proposed and then applied to commentaries on the Vietnam and Iraq wars.

Jørgen Johansen and Brian Martin. Sending the protest message. Gandhi Marg, Vol. 29, No. 4, January-March 2008, pp. 503-519. How protesters can connect with audiences, align their methods with their messages and deal with attacks.

Truda Gray and Brian Martin. My Lai: the struggle over outrage. Peace & Change, Vol. 33, No. 1, January 2008, pp. 90-113. A backfire analysis of the 1968 My Lai massacre during the Vietnam war.

Truda Gray and Brian Martin. The American war in Indochina: injustice and outrage. Revista de Paz y Conflictos, No. 1, 2008, pp. 6-28. How the US government tried to inhibit outrage from the bombing, the Phoenix Program and the My Lai massacre.

Truda Gray and Brian Martin. Backfires: white, black and grey. Journal of Information Warfare, Vol. 7, Issue 1, 2007, pp. 7-16: perpetrators can use black operations or ambiguous events as a pretext for action.

Brian Martin. SRV & NVA: valorizing social roles through nonviolent action. The SRV Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2006, pp. 25-33.

Brian Martin. Paths to social change: conventional politics, violence and nonviolence. In: Ralph Summy (ed.), Nonviolent Alternatives for Social Change, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), developed under the auspices of the UNESCO (Oxford: Eolss Publishers,, 2006).

David Hess and Brian Martin. Repression, backfire, and the theory of transformative events. Mobilization, Vol. 11, No. 1, June 2006, pp. 249-267.

Brian Martin. Instead of repression. Social Alternatives, Vol. 25, No. 1, First Quarter 2006, pp. 62-66.

Brian Martin. How nonviolence works. Borderlands e-journal, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2005; reprinted in Charles P. Webel and Jørgen Johansen (eds.), Peace and Conflict Studies: A Reader (London: Routledge, 2012), pp. 289-298: the events at the salt march illustrate how backfire analysis can extend Sharp's concept of political jiu-jitsu.

Brian Martin. The beating of Rodney King: the dynamics of backfire. Critical Criminology, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2005, pp. 307-326.

Brian Martin. Strategies for alternative science. In: Scott Frickel and Kelly Moore (eds.), The New Political Sociology of Science: Institutions, Networks, and Power (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2006), pp. 272-298.

Brian Martin and Iain Murray. The Parkin backfire. Social Alternatives, Vol. 24, No. 3, Third Quarter 2005, pp. 46-49, 70.

Brian Martin. Researching nonviolent action: past themes and future possibilities. Peace & Change, Vol. 30, No. 2, April 2005, pp. 247-270.

Brian Martin. Iraq attack backfire. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 39, No. 16, 17-23 April 2004, pp. 1577-1583.

Brian Martin. Defending without the military. In: Geoff Harris (ed.), Achieving Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: Cost Effective Alternatives to the Military (Pretoria: Institute for Security Studies, 2004), pp. 43-55. Reprinted, in a revised version, in Peace in North-East Asia, International Seminar, Seoul, Korea, 26-29 June 2005 (War Resisters' International, 2005), pp. 56-67 (in Korean) and pp. 144-156 (in English).

Brian Martin and Steve Wright. Countershock: mobilizing resistance to electroshock weapons. Medicine, Conflict and Survival, Vol. 19, No. 3, July-September 2003, pp. 205-222.

Brian Martin and Wendy Varney. Nonviolence and communication. Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 40, No. 2, March 2003, pp. 213-232.

Brian Martin. Nonviolence versus terrorism. Social Alternatives, Vol. 21, No. 2, Autumn 2002, pp. 6-9.

Brian Martin. Nonviolent futures. Futures, Vol. 33, 2001, pp. 625-635.

Brian Martin, Wendy Varney and Adrian Vickers. Political jiu-jitsu against Indonesian repression: studying lower-profile nonviolent resistance. Pacifica Review, Vol. 13, No. 2, June 2001, pp. 143-156.

Brian Martin and Wendy Varney. Nonviolent action and people with disabilities. Civilian-Based Defense, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2000, pp. 4-16.

Wendy Varney and Brian Martin. Lessons from the 1991 Soviet coup. Peace Research, Vol. 32, No. 1, February 2000, pp. 52-68.

Wendy Varney and Brian Martin. Net resistance, Net benefits: opposing MAI. Social Alternatives, Vol. 19, No. 1, January 2000, pp. 47-51.

Brian Martin. Nonviolence versus capitalism. Gandhi Marg, Vol. 21, No. 3, October-December 1999, pp. 283-312.

Brian Martin. Technology, violence, and peace. In: Lester R. Kurtz (editor-in-chief), Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace, and Conflict, Volume 3 (New York: Academic Press, 1999), pp. 447-459.

Brian Martin. Social defence strategy: the role of technology. Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 36, No. 5, January 1999, pp. 535-552.

Brian Martin. Whistleblowing and nonviolence. Peace and Change, Vol. 24, No. 3, January 1999, pp. 15-28.

Brian Martin. Science, technology and nonviolent action: the case for a utopian dimension in the social analysis of science and technology. Social Studies of Science, Vol. 27, 1997, pp. 439-463.

Brian Martin. Communication technology and nonviolent action. Media Development, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1996, pp. 3-9.

Schweik Action Wollongong (Alison Rawling, Lisa Schofield, Terry Darling and Brian Martin). Beyond military control. In: Versions of Freedom: An Anthology of Anarchism (Sydney: Visions of Freedom Collective, 1996), pp. 89-94.

Helen Gillett, Brian Martin and Chris Rust. Building in nonviolence: nonviolent struggle and the built environment. Civilian-Based Defense, Vol. 11, No. 3, Fall 1996, pp. 1, 4-7. Reprinted in Nonviolence Today, No. 53, January-March 1997, pp. 12-15.

Brian Martin. Possible pathologies of future social defence systems. Pacifica Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1995, pp. 61-68.

Schweik Action Wollongong (Lisa Schofield, Brian Martin, Rosie Wells, Terry Darling and Debra Keenahan). Social defence and community empowerment. Australian Social Work, Vol. 47, No. 1, March 1994, pp. 48-54.

Brian Martin. Science for non-violent struggle. Science and Public Policy, Vol. 19, No. 1, February 1992, pp. 55-58. Reprinted in Philosophy and Social Action, Vol. 18, No. 3, October-December 1992, pp. 7-12 and, in abridged form, in SANA Update, No. 104, October 1992, pp. 13-14.

Schweik Action Wollongong (Brian Martin, member). Telecommunications for nonviolent struggle. Nonviolence Today, No. 27, July/August 1992, pp. 19-23, and Civilian-Based Defense: News & Opinion, Vol. 7, No. 6, August 1992, pp. 7-10.

Brian Martin. Social defence: arguments and actions. In: Shelley Anderson and Janet Larmore (eds.), Nonviolent Struggle and Social Defence (London: War Resisters' International, 1991), pp. 81-141.

Brian Martin. Revolutionary social defence. Bulletin of Peace Proposals, Vol. 22, No. 1, March 1991, pp. 97-105.

Brian Martin. Politics after a nuclear crisis. Journal of Libertarian Studies, Vol. 9, No. 2, Fall 1990, pp. 69-78.

Brian Martin. Computing and war. Peace and Change, Vol. 14, No. 2, April 1989, pp. 203-222.

Brian Martin. Nonviolent deterrence. In Gordon Rodley (ed.), Beyond Deterrence (Sydney: Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney, 1989), pp. 259-264.

Brian Martin. Gene Sharp's theory of power. Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 26, No. 2, 1989, pp. 213-222.

Brian Martin. Nuclear winter: science and politics. Science and Public Policy, Vol. 15, No. 5, October 1988, pp. 321-334.

Brian Martin. Lessons in nonviolence from the Fiji coups. Gandhi Marg, Vol. 10, No. 6, September 1988, pp. 326-339.

Brian Martin. The limitations of bilateral peace treaties. Social Alternatives, Vol. 7, No. 2, June 1988, pp. 37-41.

Brian Martin. Queensland versus Greenpeace: the Vega affair. Gijutsu to Ningen (Technology and Humanity), June 1988, pp. 71-79 (in Japanese).

Brian Martin. The Nazis and nonviolence. Social Alternatives, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 47-49 (August 1987). The Nazis and nonviolence (II). Social Alternatives, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 54-55 (April 1990).

Brian Martin. Social defence: elite reform or grassroots initiative? Social Alternatives, Vol. 6, No. 2, April 1987, pp. 19-23. Reprinted in Civilian-based Defense: News & Opinion, Vol. 4, No. 1, June 1987, pp. 1-5. Reprinted in Groundswell, No. 27, August-September 1987, pp. 3-6. Reprinted in Dutch in Geweldloos Aktief, Vol. 23, No. 2, June 1988, insert pp. 1-7. Reprinted in Anarchist Age Monthly Review, No. 13, January 1992, pp. 10-14.

Brian Martin. Nuclear disarmament is not enough. Peace Studies, No. 3, June-July 1986, pp. 36-39.

Brian Martin. Peace research: centre or periphery. Peace Studies, pp. 26-27, 49 (November-December 1985).

Brian Martin. The social construction of Australian peace movement demands. In: Paul Patton and Ross Poole (eds.), War/Masculinity (Sydney: Intervention Publications, 1985), pp. 87-99.

Brian Martin. Science, war and peace (I): building a lasting activism. Peace Studies, No. 7, pp. 9-12 (October 1984).

Brian Martin. Extinction politics. SANA Update, No. 16, pp. 5-6 (May 1984); Extinction politics revisited. SANA Update, No. 21, pp. 15-16 (October 1984).

Brian Martin. Social defence and the Indonesian military threat. Peace Studies, No. 4, pp. 5-8 (July 1984).

Brian Martin. Science and war. In: Arthur Birch (editor), Science Research in Australia (Canberra: Centre for Continuing Education, Australian National University, 1983), pp. 101-108.

Brian Martin. Social defence for Australia? In: Jim Falk (ed.), Preventing Nuclear War: Australia's Role (Wollongong: University of Wollongong, 1982), pp. 56-60.

Brian Martin. The global health effects of nuclear war. Current Affairs Bulletin, Vol. 59, No. 7, December 1982, pp. 14-26.

Brian Martin. Grassroots action for peace. Social Alternatives, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 77-82 (October 1982). A version appeared in Japanese: Crisis, No. 15, pp. 73-81 (1983), and in Swedish, in: Jan Øberg (ed), Forsvar for en Karnvapenfri Varld (Defending a Nuclear-free World) (Stockholm: Wahlstrom & Widstrand, 1983), pp. 211-222.

Brian Martin. Critique of nuclear extinction. Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 287-300 (1982).

Brian Martin. How the peace movement should be preparing for nuclear war. Bulletin of Peace Proposals, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 149-159 (June 1982).

Brian Martin. Mobilising against nuclear war: the insufficiency of knowledge and logic. Social Alternatives, Vol. 1, nos 6-7, pp. 6-11 (June 1980).

Guest-edited journal issue

Brian Martin (ed.), Philosophy and Social Action, vol. 17, no. 3-4, July-December 1991.
(Articles can be downloaded in rich text format.)

Other articles

Brian Martin. Ready for the pulse? Getting rid of US bases would make us safer. Pearls & Irritations, 15 July 2024. The threat from a nuclear high-altitude electromagnetic pulse.

Brian Martin. Resilience and resistance: the importance of envisaging the end of the world (and after). Rethinking Security, 1 May 2024

Brian Martin. How Australian lawmakers have used 9/11 to threaten civil liberties. Waging Nonviolence: Resistance Studies, 27 June 2022

Brian Martin. What soldiers and police need to know about protests. Minds of the Movement, 20 January 2022; What soldiers and police should do at a protest. Minds of the Movement, 21 January 2022.

Brian Martin. Submarine sideshow: does Australia even need a military? Pearls & Irritations, 21 November 2021.

Brian Martin. Resisting repression: defending civil liberties in Australia. Pearls & Irritations, 1 August 2021.

Brian Martin. Whistleblowing and security. Rethinking Security, 14 April 2021.

Brian Martin and Jørgen Johansen. What if the government abolished the military? Waging Nonviolence: Resistance Studies, 25 October 2019. The case for social defence. German translation.

Brian Martin. What if most people love violence? Waging Nonviolence, 3 May 2019. Steven Bartlett's ideas about human evil show the immensity of the challenge for nonviolent campaigners.

Brian Martin. Signs of injustice - and how to counter them with people power. Minds of the Movement, 30 August 2018.

Sue Curry Jansen and Brian Martin. Can antifa build an effective broad-based anti-fascist movement? Waging Nonviolence, 25 April 2018.

Brian Martin. Combating online abuse with the principles of nonviolent resistance. Waging Nonviolence, 2 October 2017.

Brian Martin. What does it take for activists to get your attention? Waging Nonviolence, 8 April 2017. Tim Wu's book The Attention Merchants has implications for activists.

Brian Martin. "Let's protest": surprises in communicating against repression. IEEE Potentials, Vol. 35, No. 5, September/October 2016, pp. 16-18.

Brian Martin. What if activists could more accurately predict political events? Waging Nonviolence, 23 May 2016.

Brian Martin. Why understanding gut reactions is key to building powerful movements. Waging Nonviolence, 21 January 2016.

Brian Martin. Failures of nonviolent action? Global Change, Peace and Security, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2016, pp. 117-122. Commentary on Thomas Davies' article "The failure of strategic nonviolent action in Bahrain, Egypt, Libya and Syria".

Brian Martin. Australian medics refuse to be silenced over refugee abuse at detention centers. Waging Nonviolence, 1 October 2015 and openDemocracy, 1 October 2015

Brian Martin. Terrorism serves the state. Truthout, 29 September 2014. Alternatives for countering non-state terrorism.

Brian Martin. Why call it nonviolent action? In Sarah Roßa (ed.), Gewaltfreiheit - Aktionsform, Handlungsmaxime oder Ideologie? (Minden, Germany: Bund für Soziale Verteidegung, Hintergrund- und Diskussionspapier number 36, March 2014), pp. 46-53.

Brian Martin. Academics and activism: Stephen Hawking and the Israel boycott. The Conversation, 14 May 2013.

Jason MacLeod and Brian Martin. The legal strategy for West Papua: will it fly? What might help it to? Papua Paper No. 3 - The West Papua Project, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Sydney, April 2012

Brian Martin. Flotilla tactics: how an Israeli attack backfired. Truthout, 27 July 2010.

Brian Martin. Anti-coup; Information technology and peace activism; Power in nonviolence theory. In: Nigel Young (ed.), Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010).

Brian Martin. Social defence: how is it relevant today? FriedensForum: Zeitschrift der Friedensbewegung, No. 4, August/September 2009, pp. 43-45 (in German, translated by Christine Schweitzer).

Brian Martin. Safeguarding your group. Chain Reaction, No. 101, December 2007, pp. 31-33.

Brian Martin. Activism, social and political. In: Gary L. Anderson and Kathryn G. Herr (eds.), Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2007), pp. 19-27.

Brian Martin. Schweik in Wollongong. FriedensForum: Zeitschrift der Friedensbewegung, No. 3, June/July 2006, pp. 39-40 (in German, translated by Hanna Poddig).

Brian Martin. Globalising nonviolence: overcoming the obstacles. Forum Pazifismus: Zeitschrift für Theorie und Praxis der Gewaltfreiheit, No. 10, II/2006, pp. 8-12 (in German, translated by Kai-Uwe Dosch).

Brian Martin. Terrorism: ethics, effectiveness and enemies. Social Alternatives, Vol. 23, No. 2, Second Quarter 2004, pp. 36-37.

Schweik Action Wollongong [Brian Martin, Sharon Callaghan and Yasmin Rittau, with Chris Fox]. Nonviolence insights. Social Alternatives, Vol. 23, No. 2, Second Quarter 2004, pp. 70-76.

Brian Martin. Rallying support. Peace News, March-May 2003, pp. 32-33.

Brian Martin. Activism after nuclear war? TFF (Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research),, 3 September 2002.

Schweik Action Wollongong (Sharon Callaghan, Chris Fox, Brian Martin and Yasmin Rittau). Feminists look at civilian-based defense. Civilian-Based Defense, Vol. 16, No. 1, Spring 2001, pp. 3-12.

Brian Martin and Wendy Varney. Convivial media. M/C Reviews, 12 April 2000.

Schweik Action Wollongong (Brian Martin and Yasmin Rittau with Sharon Callaghan, Chris Fox and Rosie Wells). Strengthening communication in groups. Nonviolence Today, No. 60, September-December 1998, pp. 15-17 and Peace News, February 1999, pp. 12-13.

Robert Burrowes, Brian Martin and Rebecca Spence. Research questions on nonviolence. Nonviolence Today, No. 49, March/April 1996, pp. 8-11.

Brian Martin. Nonviolent action in fiction. Civilian-Based Defense, Vol. 10, No. 2, Summer 1995, p. 8.

Brian Martin. Comments on Shanti Sahyog's International Campaign for Nonviolence. Civilian-Based Defense, Vol. 9, Nos. 3 & 4, Autumn/Winter 1994, p. 4.

Brian Martin. Engineers and nonviolent struggle. Civil Engineers Australia, Vol. 65, No. 14, December 1993, pp. 36-37.

Brian Martin. Impressions of the Dutch social defence network. Nonviolence Today, No. 34, September/October 1993, pp. 16-18; Civilian-Based Defense, Vol. 8, No. 6, Winter 1993-94, pp. 2-5.

Brian Martin. Assessing the Gulf Peace Team. Nonviolence Today, No. 22, August-September 1991, pp. 6-7.

Brian Martin. Australian social defence conference. Nonviolence Today , No. 21, June-July 1991, pp. 12-13.

Brian Martin. Nonviolence against hypocrisy: setting agendas for social defence. Nonviolence Today, No. 19, February-March 1991, p. 12. Reprinted in Australian Peace Education and Research Association News Bulletin, March 1991, p. 5. Reprinted in edited form in Italian as: La nonviolenza contro l'ipocrisia. Mosaico, March 1991, pp. 3-4. Revised version published as: Gulf War shows it's time to set our own agenda. Peace News, July 1991, p. 2.

Brian Martin. Nonviolent struggle and social defence: 3-7 April 1990, Bradford, England. Conference report. Nonviolence Today, No. 15, pp. 13-15 (June-July 1990).

Alison Rawling, Lisa Schofield, Terry Darling and Brian Martin. The Australian Post Office and social defence. Nonviolence Today, No. 14, April-May 1990, pp. 6-8.

Brian Martin. CBD - taking stock. Civilian-based Defense: News & Opinion, Vol. 6, No. 1, p. 3 (July-August 1989).

Lisa Schofield, Brian Martin and Terry Darling. Resist repressive regimes. Nonviolence Today, No. 5, pp. 8-9 (October-November 1988).

Claire Runciman and Brian Martin. Peace questionnaire. Bogong, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 7, 12-14 (March-April 1983).

Brian Martin. Goals and methods in the Australian peace movement. ACFOA Research and Information Service paper 12/82, 5 pp. (December 1982). A shortened version appeared in Chain Reaction, No. 28, p. 20 (Winter 1982).

Brian Martin. Communications in a political or military crisis: a focus for social action. Bogong, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 14-15 (September-October 1982).

Brian Martin. Notes on non-violent defence. In: Jill Taylor and Bob James (eds.), Review of Libertarian Politics and Alternative Lifestyles (Lewisham, 1980), pp. 26-27.

Unpublished papers

Brian Martin. Socialism without the military. Socialist Scholars Conference, Sydney, 28 September - 1 October 1990.

Brian Martin. Challenging communist militarism. Unpublished, 1988. The limitations of Western military and peace movement challenges to state socialist militarism, and the advantages of nonviolent action.

Brian Martin. John Hampson's warnings of disasster. Unpublished, 1988. How atmospheric scientist John Hampson spent years trying to alert national leaders to a danger to stratospheric ozone from nuclear explosions.

Brian Martin. The fate of extinction arguments. Unpublished, 1983. A critique of the science and politics in Jonathan Schell's book The Fate of the Earth.


"When should we be worried about civil war?" (review of Barbara Walter, How Civil Wars Start and How to Stop Them), Waging Nonviolence, 26 May 2022

"Is sabotage needed to save the Earth?" (review of Andreas Malm, How to Blow up a Pipeline), Waging Nonviolence, 29 October 2021

Review of Gavin Mueller, Breaking Things at Work, in Journal of Resistance Studies, vol. 7, no. 2, 2021, pp. 128-131

Review of Bart de Ligt, The Conquest of Violence, in Journal of Resistance Studies, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2019, pp. 114-121.

"Is it now too easy to organize mass protest?" (review of Zeynep Tufekci, Twitter and Tear Gas), Waging Nonviolence, 7 August 2018

Sue Curry Jansen and Brian Martin. "Can antifa build an effective broad-based anti-fascist movement?" (Review of Mark Bray, Antifa: The Anti-fascist Handbook), Waging Nonviolence, 25 April 2018. Also published in openDemocracy, 3 May 2018.

Review of Dustin Ells Howes, Freedom without violence: resisting the Western political tradition, in Journal of Resistance Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2017, pp. 180-185

Review of Gene Sharp, The Politics of Nonviolent Action, in Journal of Resistance Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2017, pp. 210-220

"Secrecy, democracy and war: a review" (review of Scott Horton, Lords of Secrecy), Secrecy and Society, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 2016, Article 10, pp. 1-11

"A look at the newest additions to the nonviolence canon" (review of five books on nonviolence), Waging Nonviolence, 23 August 2016

Review of Daniel P. Ritter, The Iron Cage of Liberalism: International Politics and Unarmed Revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa, in Journal of Resistance Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2015, pp. 188-198

Review of Maciej Bartkowski, Nonviolent Civilian Defense to Counter Russian Hybrid Warfare, in Journal of Resistance Studies, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2015, pp. 201-202

"What is the future of unarmed struggle in Palestine?" (review of Marwan Darweish and Andrew Rigby, Popular Protest in Palestine), Waging Nonviolence, 26 October 2015

Review of April Carter, Howard Clark and Michael Randle (editors), A Guide to Civil Resistance, in Journal of Peace Research Book Notes, 21 October 2015.

Review of Scott Horton, Lords of Secrecy, in The Whistle (Newsletter of Whistleblowers Australia), No. 83, July 2015, pp. 3-5

"When nonviolent action is the last resort" (review of Véronique Dudouet, editor, Civil Resistance and Conflict Transformation), openDemocracy, 27 May 2015

"Popular action against corruption" (review of Shaazka Beyerle, Curtailing Corruption), openDemocracy, 22 October 2014

"Grassroots social change: lessons from an anarchist organizer" (review of Chris Crass, Towards Collective Liberation), Znet, 11 August 2013

Review of Erica Chenoweth and Maria J Stephan, Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict, in Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements, Vol. 4, Issue 1, May 2012, pp. 371-374

Review of Diana Denham and the C.A.S.A. Collective (eds), Teaching Rebellion: Stories from the Grassroots Mobilization in Oaxaca, in Anarchist Studies, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2010, pp. 118-119

"Don't be gagged", review of Greg Ogle, Gagged, in The Whistle (Newsletter of Whistleblowers Australia), No. 61, January 2010, pp. 9-11

Review of Barbara Müller, The Balkan Peace Team 1994-2001, in Gandhi Marg, Volume 31, Number 2, July-September 2009, pp. 379-381

"The David Kelly mystery", review of Norman Baker, The Strange Death of David Kelly, in The Whistle (Newsletter of Whistleblowers Australia), No. 55, July 2008, pp. 14-15.

Review of Kurt Schock, Unarmed Insurrections: People Power Movements in Nondemocracies, in Peace & Change, volume 32, number 1, January 2007, pp. 99-101.

Review of April Carter, Direct Action and Democracy Today, in Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 43, No. 4, July 2006, p. 492.

Review of Michael Randle, ed, Challenge to Nonviolence, in Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 41, No. 5, September 2004, p. 645.

Review of Krishna Mallick and Doris Hunter, eds, An Anthology of Nonviolence: Historical and Contemporary Voices, in Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 40, No. 5, September 2003, p. 613.

Review of Roland Bleiker, Popular Dissent, Human Agency and Global Politics, in Social Alternatives, Vol. 20, No. 1, January 2001, pp. 68-70.

"Nonviolent defence: Robert Burrowes' approach," review of Robert Burrowes, The Strategy of Nonviolent Defense, in Nonviolence Today, No. 55, July/August 1997, pp. 19-22; a shortened version appeared in Gandhi Marg, Vol. 19, No. 1, April-June 1997, pp. 107-112.

"Spying on your calls," review of Nicky Hager, Secret Power: New Zealand's Role in the International Spy Network, in Green Left Weekly, 30 July 1997, p. 27.

Critique of violent rationales. A review article of Howard Ryan, Critique of Nonviolent Politics: From Mahatma Gandhi to the Anti-Nuclear Movement, in Pacifica Review, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1997, pp. 83-91; reprinted in Nonviolence Today, No. 55, July/August 1997, pp. 15-19.

Review of Michael Shuman and Julia Sweig (eds.), Conditions of Peace: An Inquiry and Roger C. Peace III, A Just and Lasting Peace: The U.S. Peace Movement from the Cold War to Desert Storm, in Social Anarchism, No. 20, 1995, pp. 99-102.

Review of Michael Randle, Civil Resistance, in Social Alternatives, Vol. 13, Nos. 3 & 4, October 1994, p. 59.

Essay review of Patricia Meehan, The Unnecessary War, in Nonviolence Today, No. 39, July/August 1994, pp. 16-18.

"Crimes of authority and obedience", review of Ronald D. Crelinsten and Alex P. Schmid (eds.), The Politics of Pain: Torturers and their Masters, in Green Left, 18 May 1994, p. 29.

Review of Michael Bess, Realism, Utopia, and the Mushroom Cloud: Four Activist Intellectuals and their Strategies for Peace, 1945-1989: Louise Weiss (France), Leo Szilard (USA), E. P. Thompson (England), Danilo Dolci (Italy), in Scientists for Global Responsibility Update, No. 6, Summer 1994, pp. 13-14.

Review of Gary Smith and StJohn Kettle (eds.), Threats Without Enemies: Rethinking Australia's Security, in Social Alternatives, Vol. 12, No. 3, October 1993, pp. 54-55.

"Learning about 'nonviolent struggle': lessons from Steven Huxley," essay review of Steven Huxley, Constitutionalist Insurgency in Finland, in Nonviolence Today, No. 22, August-September 1991, pp. 11-14.

Review of Robert A. Irwin, Building a Peace System, in Nonviolence Today, No. 20, April/May 1991, p. 20.

Brian Martin. Left or left behind?: Heller and Feher on the peace movement. Monthly Review, Vol. 41, No. 8, January 1990, pp. 56-62. Essay review of Doomsday or Deterrence? by Agnes Heller and Ferenc Feher.

Review of Liane Ellison Norman, Hammer of Justice: Molly Rush and the Plowshares Eight, in Nonviolence Today, No. 17, October-November 1990, pp. 20-21.

"The pitfalls of nonviolent revolution," review of Geoffrey Ostergaard, Nonviolent Revolution in India, in Nonviolence Today, No. 2, pp. 16-17 (April-May 1988).

Review of Alex P. Schmid, Social Defence and Soviet Military Power, in Nonviolence Today, No. 1, pp. 18-19 (February-March 1988); also in Civilian-Based Defense: News & Opinion, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 6-11 (May 1988).

Review of Gene Sharp, Making Europe Unconquerable, in Social Anarchism, No. 12, pp. 54-56 (1986-1987).

Review of M. Denborough (ed.), Australia and Nuclear War, in Australian Physicist, Vol. 21, p. 242 (November 1984).

"Useful work, but need for a broader perspective," review of D. A. V. Fischer, Nuclear Issues, in ANU Reporter, Vol. 13, No. 4, p. 6 (9 April 1982).

"Bombs in paradise," review of Jim Albertini et al., The Dark Side of Paradise, in Bogong, Vol. 1, No. 7-8, p. 15 (December 1980--February 1981).

Articles in news media

Brian Martin. The perpetual war alarm. Transcend Media Service, 24 April 2023

Brian Martin. Might is not always right way. Illawarra Mercury, 10 March 2010, p. 20. There are alternatives to military research.

Brian Martin. Governments are terrorists' best teachers. Illawarra Mercury, 5 February 2003, p. 21.

Brian Martin. A nonviolent plan to oust Saddam. Illawarra Mercury, 3 October 2002, p. 20.

Brian Martin. Killing and revolution. Green Left, 1 April 1998, p. 15.

Brian Martin. Gun control and social revolution. Green Left, 4 September 1996, p. 14.

Brian Martin. In defence of research prioritising [submitted as "Questioning research priorities"], Australian, 23 November 1994, p. 34.

Brian Martin. How to eliminate the Indonesian 'threat.' Green Left, 15 April 1992, p. 11.

Brian Martin. Lessons from the Gulf crisis. Tribune, 30 January 1991, p. 11.

Brian Martin. Gulf's front-line peace camp. Illawarra Mercury, 1 January 1991, p. 6.

Brian Martin. Gun law critics need more firepower. The Advertiser (Wollongong), 16 March 1988, p. 8.

Brian Martin. Halting the pesticide treadmill. Canberra Times, 5 September 1987. Also published as: Who is to blame for pesticide pollution? Illawarra Mercury, 5 September 1987, pp. 17, 28.

Brian Martin. To fluoridate or not to fluoridate. Advertiser (Wollongong), 22 July 1987, p. 20.

Brian Martin. Who are the real communist dupes? Canberra Times, 8 November 1986, p. 2. Also published as: The myth of the military threat. Illawarra Mercury, 13 November 1986, p. 11.

Brian Martin. Social defence: concept to conquer world war. Canberra Times, 2 December 1982, p. 18. Reprinted in Green Alliance Newsletter, No. 9, 1983, pp. 25-26.


No need for violence: peaceful methods work. AVPQ Newsletter (Alternatives to Violence Project Queensland), December 2007, pp. 4-5.

Interview with Dr. Brian Martin, by Ali., 2006. In English and Farsi.

Related articles by other authors

Mary Cawte. Making radio into a tool for war. Unpublished paper, 1996.

Mary Cawte. Review of Giliam de Valk, Research on Civilian-based Defence. Pacifica Review, 1994.

Mary Cawte. Review of Jacques Semelin, Unarmed against Hitler. Civilian-Based Defense, 1993-1994.

A. H. Heering. Public administration under foreign occupation. English translation of an article published in Dutch in Bestuurswetenschappen, 1983.