Nonviolence unbound

Brian Martin

Sparsnäs, Sweden: Irene Publishing, 2015
354 pages. ISBN 978-91-88061-03-4

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Chapters, 2 pages per sheet

Contents and acknowledgements


1. Introduction

1. Introduction

2. What is nonviolent action?

2. What is nonviolent action?

3. The effectiveness of nonviolent action

3. The effectiveness of nonviolent action

4. Transportable features of nonviolent action

4. Transportable features of nonviolent action

5. Verbal defence

5. Verbal defence

6. Being defamed

6. Being defamed

7. Euthanasia struggles

7. Euthanasia struggles

8. Vaccination

8. Vaccination

9. Conclusion

9. Conclusion




From the back cover

Rallies, strikes, boycotts, sit-ins - these and other methods of nonviolent action can be used to bring down dictators. Nonviolence Unbound shows how insights into what makes nonviolent action effective can be applied to four completely different arenas: defending against verbal abuse, responding to online defamatory pictures, and engaging in the struggles over euthanasia and vaccination. This investigation shows how to analyse options for opposing injustice.

The author Brian Martin is professor of social sciences at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He is the author of numerous books and articles on nonviolence, dissent, scientific controversies, democracy and other topics.

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Brian Martin's publications on nonviolent action

Brian Martin's publications

Brian Martin's website

For an application of the approach used in Nonviolence Unbound to mobbing (collective bullying), see Brian Martin and Florencia Peña Saint Martin. Resistiendo al mobbing: la opciĆ³n asertiva. In Oliva López Arellano and Florencia Peña Saint Martin (eds.), Salud, Condiciones de Vida y Políticas Sociales. Miradas sobre México (Mexico City, Mexico: Ediciones y Gráficos Eón, 2015), pp. 167-188.