The quotes given below are taken from some of the many letters sent to Administrators at UWA either during Dr Rindos' tenure review process or after tenure was denied by the Vice-Chancellor.

To see the entire letter of support (when available), click on the Author's name.

Dr Alex Baines, Zoology, West Australian Museum, Perth
"I consider that not only has Dr Rindos received abominable treatment from the University of Western Australia, but that in denying him tenure the University is discarding one of the most able scientists and teachers it has recruited in recent years."

A/Prof Robert Berchman, Philosophy Dept, Dowling College
"It is rare these days to have a scholar trained in the natural and social sciences who can offer...the humanities new methods for interpreting cultural behaviour.... You are fortunate to have Dr Rindos... he is a builder of the academy. His record...attests to this.... [He] should be granted tenure in his own right as quickly as possible."

Prof Lewis Binford, Anthropology, Southern Methodist University
"His work is world class and most provocative. He exhibits a RARE combination of intellectual skills and a great breadth of knowledge from biology, natural history, and anthropology. [He] has been a very productive scholar... [He] would most certainly be viewed as an asset to any department in the U.S. and would unquestionably be granted tenure by the criteria of U.S. standards of academic VALUE."

Prof Peter Bogucki, Archaeology, Forbes College, Princeton
"Dr Rindos has made extraordinary contributions... [His] scholarly standing is clearly and unequivocally at the international level. The information that I have received about [his] situation at UWA is very disturbing....My sincere hope is that every effort will be made to ensure a fair and just treatment...that will enable him to continue to make the contributions...that have been considered so valuable by his colleagues around the globe.

A/Prof Neville Bruce, Convenor, U.W.A. Archaeology Dept Review (1992)
"As convenor of the Archaeology Review Committee, it is clear to me that Dr Rindos... received most unfortunate and unfair treat at this university.... [he has] been subjected to a concerted campaign of denigration that I feel few could have sustained. That he was able to be productive at all is clear testimony of his ability as an academic. ... I believe that this university could be guilty of a grave miscarriage of justice if it does not confirm Dr Rindos in his tenured position.

A/Prof Neville Bruce (1993)
"From the objective evidence that I have to hand there is no doubt in my mind that [Rindos] deserves tenure in his own right. Given the additional issue of the unfortunate circumstances that he has had to endure at this University, then I believe that we may be guilty of a grave miscarriage of justice if his tenure is denied.

Dr Scott Cane, Archaeology, Narooma NSW
"The whole saga reflects a sorry and seemingly desperate state of affairs. I know it reflects badly on the department (and unfortunately the University)...I shudder to think what it is doing to your international reputation ... Dr Rindos has been treated most unfairly. I hope the relevant authorities...have the integrity and sense of justice to rectify the obvious injustice [he] has suffered.

Prof Joseph Chartkoff, Anthropology, Michigan State University
"In every way I am powerfully convinced of his scholarly strength and stature...In my view, [he] is the single most important writer in the world on food production origins.... no one in the last half century has produced a corpus of work as important...beginning with his 1984 classic, The Origins of Agriculture. I firmly believe that, a half century from now, when the vast majority of the refereed journal articles of today are forgotten, [this] book will have the standing for the second half of this century that Gordon Childe's has for the first half, as a major milestone of intellectual progress and insight."

Dr John Collier, History and Philosophy of Science, Univ. Melbourne
"I have been following the developments in his tenure situation with amazement and increasing dismay. Recent statements from Senior Academics at your University have shocked me. I am certain that the inability of your university to supply him with either proper recognition of his accomplishments or a proper working environment will not go unnoticed...I think that a negative decision on [his] tenure would be most unfortunate. Given the events that surrounded it, it would be remembered widely for years, both in Australia and internationally."

A/Prof Todd Cooke, Botany, University of Maryland
"I can assure you that [he] is unique among his peers in his ability to do first rate evolutionary biology... [T]he insights and models he is devising ... should also be applicable to comparable problems in plant evolution....[O]nly the exceptional scholar like Dr Rindos is able to contribute to the progress of other disciplines outside his immediate interests. ... A scholar with [his] credentials... and his evident impact on his field would certain be awarded tenure at the University of Maryland, or any other USA university for that matter.... THIS DECISION IS ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGEOUS...[it] has slandered an academic of rare brilliance...and will affect how the academic community views your University as a whole...."

A/Prof Iain Davidson, Archaeology, Univ. of New England (Armidale, NSW)
"I am writing about the inexplicable suggestion that tenure should not be given to Dr David Rindos. [He] is an extremely well respected scholar in our discipline, with a highly original mind and a zealous desire to communicate all that is best in his discipline. I find it intolerable that there is even a suggestion that there are sound academic grounds for not granting tenure. ... To deny him tenure would bring dishonour on the reputation of your University even greater than the international scandal already associated with it."

Mr Leon Deleuil, Science Teachers Association of Western Australia
"[We] express our depp concern at the projected removal of Dr David Rindos... He is a teacher of outstanding quality. It would be a tragedy to lose [him] -- especially in this Sate with its rich prehistory."

Prof Robert Dunnell, Anthropology, University of Washington
"I was astounded to hear...that the University of Western Australia is contemplating not granting tenure to Dr David Rindos. [He] is an outstanding scholar of international reputation... Most of the archaeological community is aware that archaeology has been problematic at the University of Western Australia, but these problems, or at least rumours of same, predate Rindos' arrival in Australia.... It would be a grave error to lose [his] services and reputation because he has become caught up in a situation not of his making. I can barely imagine a circumstance that might see [him] not receive tenure at any major institution other than fiscal emergency. ... The archaeological community would be shocked, I suspect, were he not to receive tenure and their view of your institution suffer accordingly."

Prof Richard Gould, Anthropology, Brown University
"Dr Rindos is a productive scholar whose publications are widely know and cited here in the United States. ... If this tenure dispute had occurred at an American university [his] best course of action would be to file suit against the University and seek redress in the courts."

Dr Douglas Hanson, Forsyth Institute for Advanced Research
"I am not privy to all of the details surrounding the "decision" to deny tenure... I do know, however, that [it] would do more harm to the stature of UWA...than it would to tarnish the reputation of Dr Rindos. Given the high caliber of [his] scholarship...the loss to the University of Western Australia would be insurmountable and the damage to future scholarship...would be irreparable.

Prof David Harris, Director, Institute of Archaeology (London)
"His work...has been both original and substantial...[and] remains innovative.... His voice deserves to continue to be heard internationally. ... I do hope...that [his] overall contribution ... will be given the consideration it deserves and that his tenure will be confirmed without further delay."

Prof Frank Hole, Anthropology, Yale University
"The force of his arguments is evident in the fact that no one writes about agricultural origins any more...without considering what Rindos has to say..... Rindos would be a strong candidate for promotion at Yale. is the pattern of significance...that we would judge.... [He] is a rare scholar whose energy and brilliance should be nurtured."

Profs L Lindstrom, D. O. Henry, G.H. Odell, Anthrop. University of Tulsa
"We have learned that a review committee (which contained no archaeologists)...recommends denial of tenure...on the grounds of insufficient scholarly activity. We find this astonishing given Dr Rindos's international reputation for scholarship.... We request strongly that your University's authorities reconsider carefully the defective judgment of the recent review committee. This decision appears to reflect the recent, rather unfortunate history of archaeology at your university, rather than Dr Rindos' scholarly record."

Prof Thomas Lynch, Anthropology, Cornell University
"Word has just reached me of the decision to deny tenure to David Rindos. This is very surprising given the international prominence of his published work, which is known not just to archaeology and anthropologists, but to a wide range of scholars. ... Outside scholars and administrators are sure to see your failure to grant tenure as a symptom of political expedience, rather than as a result of an academic judgement based on your perceptions of scholarly merit or promise. ... In short, it would appear that UWA has made a bad decision. I urge you to reconsider."

Prof Diana I Marinez, Michigan State University
"Dr Rindos was an active member of [my Science Education] department... contributing greatly to the ongoing discussion of educating non-science majors in science, as well developing creative curriculum materials. He was highly regarded by the faculty ... An objective assessment by any knowledgeable academic committee (i.e. peers in his field) could come up with only one decision, grant tenure. I understand that [his] tenure review committee was not composed of members in his field, or even a related field. I find the circumstances under which [he] finds himself unworthy of an academic institution and very damaging to a University."

Dr B Martin, Univeristy of Wollongong
"For over a decade, I have been studying cases of suppression of intellectual dissent.. . . In typical cases of suppression and scapegoating, the person in question is judged by different standards than are colleagues. The Rindos case seems to fit this mould in a variety of ways, for example in the way that certain of his publications are dismissed from consideration for arbitrary reasons, as well as many other details. If he were denied tenure, I would see it as a clear-cut case of discrimination.

Prof Michael J O'Brien, Anthropology, University of Missouri, Columbia
"I am writing to express my surprise and deep regret...I can only express shock that someone of Rindos's intellectual capacity would be denied tenure at a major university.... I find it difficult to believe that [he] would not be tenured at ANY major research university. We would be held up to the highest form of ridicule if we were not to tenure someone of his demonstrated research capabilities...who has made at his early age a lifetime of contributions to the field of anthropology.

Dr Colin Pardoe, Archaeology, South Australian Museum, Adelaide
"If I were to apply the comparative method, then very few archaeologists in this country would exhibit the strength of his publication record, in number, impact and thoughtfulness... Unfortunately, the events and rumours emating from archaeology at UWA...cannot be assessed by others from afar. We are watching, however...If the awarding of tenure depends upon publication and its impact on a discipline, then there can be no doubt...that hew would be awarded tenure at any university that values its productive academic staff and wishes to enhance its international reputation.

Prof C. Peebles, Glenn A Black Archaeology Laboratory, Indiana University
"Gossip within the international archaeological community about this affair does not reflect well on either UWA or the Vice-Chancellor. We realize that ultimately about academic excellence and intellectual freedom.... Dr Rindos has a world-wide reputation as a first-class theoretical archaeologist.... Either the State or the Federal government should investigate UWA's handling of this affair before the university makes an even bigger fool of itself than it already has.

Professor William Provine, Cornell University
"[Rindos] has a very wide-ranging intellect and his knowledge of evolutionary biology, archaeology, and anthropology is extraordinary....I am shocked to learn that a recommendation has been made to deny him tenure, at least partly on grounds of insufficient scholarly work. I hope that the administration of UWA will reject this recommendation . . . I know Rindos as a fine scholar and deeply caring person who respects his students and colleagues."

Lord Professor Colin Renfrew, Cambridge University
"I feel I should write to you to express my disquiet . . . [Rindos] is a well-respected scholar of international reputation , and I have to say that [his sacking] . . . occasions considerable surprise. This is a serious matter which does cause concern to the world archaeological community . . .. If it were the case that UWA denied tenure to a respected scholar on academic grounds, particular if there were a suspicion of underling factors which were not adequately recognised, that might be a setback to the good repuation of your institution. . . . I think you should be made aware that the decision and the procedures of your University in this matter will inevietably be the subject of international scrutiny and international comment."

Prof Thomas Riley, Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
"During the time he was here, Dr Rindos was recognized as a stimulating lecturer, and a brilliant and controversial thinker. ... There is no doubt that [he] is already one of the major figures of the twentieth century... His ideas are brilliant, challenging, and have received the attention of all scholars in the discipline."

Prof Michael B Schiffer, Anthropology, University of Arizona
"I was surprised and disturbed that anyone had raised questions about the merits -- let alone the publishability -- of any of [his] work. [His] record of accomplishment speaks for itself. It goes without saying that archaeologists in the US hold [his] work in the highest regard."

Prof Alan Thorne, Prehistory, Australian National University
"A serious injury has been done, to Dr Rindos in particular, to the reputation of UWA, and to Australian academic procedures and standards. ... His papers and the book are standard references . . . . [his] work has given him a reputation that far outweighs that of his former head of Department. . .. The damage that the decision over Dr Rindos will have on the reputation of the University has only just begun... I regard the University's action as a serious mistake and a denial of natural justice. I register my strong protest over the denial of tenure... and urge you to correct the error immediately.

A/Prof Ingolf Thuesen, University of Copenhagen, Carsten Niebuhr Instute of Near Eastern Studies
"I should not hesitate to say that his book, The origins of Agriculture, should be considered one of the central contributions to the theory of domestication processes in recent times. . . . With the growing research into palaeogenetics there are good reasons to believe that Rindos' contributions will take up a central role in the forthcoming reconstructions of the biological environment of human activities in the past."

Prof H. Clyde Wilson, Anthropology, University of Missouri, Columbia
"[The time when he was in residence] was the most interesting and stimulating period in the years I have been associated with this department....I can say, without reservation, that Dr Rindos is, in my opinion, the most outstanding theorist in the field.

Prof Robert J Wenke, Anthropology, University of Washington
"I recently learned that Dr Rindos was denied promotion at your university....I wonder if the review committee in this case was fully aware of [his] reputation as a gifted scholar whose impact on archaeology has already been far greater than many tenured and full professors at universities around the world?... I would hope that his case will be reviewed and that he will be given full credit for his highly original and extensive contributions..."

Prof Larry Zimmerman, Anthropology, Univ South Dakota; Exec. Sec. WAC
"His professional work is creative, challenging, and known worldwide. He has give [The World Archaeological Congress] valuable assistance.... For his contributions to our field and our organization he has our sincere admiration and thanks. Please be aware that many in the world carchaeological community are aware of his present situation and are very concerned about its outcome.

Prof Ezra Zubrow, Anthropology, SUNY Buffalo
"Rindos has published and continues to do research and publish at the highest international level. His research would be a credit to any department in the world. [He] is a scholar who is working with hard basic problems in his field very successfully, who has a very good international reputation .... He is surely deserving of permanency."


Prof Jack Golson (Emeritus Chair of Archaeology, Australian National Uni)
"I should feel fortunate indeed if I were able to call on the active support of scholars of the calibre present in the list of people who have written letters on Dr Rindos' behalf."

A/Prof Sylvia Hallam (Emeritus Foundation scholar in Archaeology, University of Western Australia)
"The list reads like a rollcall of the outstanding figures... Such an array of academics...shows that Rindos is a force to be reckoned with in the international academic scene."

Dr J Peter White, Reader in Prehistoric Archaeology, Univ. Sydney
"[The authors] are an extremely eminent collection... I suggest that the assessment of Rindos' work by all of these people could be taken as a highly reliable one."