25 March 1993

Prof. Faye Gale, Vice-Chancellor
University of Western Australia
c/o Ms Kerry Evans
Academic Staff Association
University of Western Australia
Nedland, WA 6009 AUSTRALIA
FAX 61-9-380-1079

Dear Professor Gale:

I write this letter on behalf of David Rindos. I wish you to know that Dr. Rindos is a respected member of the World Archaeological Congress. His professional work in archaeology is creative, challenging and known worldwide. He gave us valuable assistance to help connect WAC to several computer networks, providing rapid, low cost communication to our members in nearly one hundred countries. For his contributions to our field and our organization, he has our sincere admiration and thanks.

He has brought substantial positive recognition to the University of Western Australia in the world archaeological community. He is a colleague in whom UWA should have great pride. Please be aware that many in the world archaeological community are aware of his present situation and are very concerned about its outcome.



Larry J. Zimmerman,
Distinguished Regents Professor of Anthropology, University of South Dakota & Executive Secretary, World Archaeological Congress