24 March 1993

Dr. Fay Gale
Vice Chancellor
University of Western Australia
via telefax: 011-61-9---------
Dear Dr. Gale:

I wish to strongly support Dr. David Rindos in his current tenure review. His work is world class and most provocative. He exhibits a rare combination of intellectual skills and a great breadth of knowledge from biology, natural history, and anthropology. David has been a very productive scholar and I am confident that he will continue to be so if administrative demands and a turbulent academic setting do not waste his time and mental attentions.

David would most certainly be viewed as an asset to any department in the U.S. and would unquestionably be granted tenure by the criteria of U.S. standards of academic value.

I urge the concerned parties to move positively with regard to his tenure status.



Lewis R. Binford
Distinguished Professor of

Department of Anthropology
Southern Methodist University

Emphasis as in the original.