Office of the Vice-Chancellor
Nedlands, Western Australia 6009



13 May, 1992

Dr D Rindos

Dear Dr Rindos


As you are aware, your appointment to the staff of this University is, under the requirements of the Tenure and Dismissal Regulations for Academic Staff, subject to review for a period of three years in the first instance from the date of appointment.

This means that the initial period of review for your appointment is due to conclude on 13 June 1992. However, under the provlsions of the Tenure and Dismissal Regulations the period of appointment subject to review may be extended up to a maximum of four years. In the circumstances, particularly in view of the change in headship of both the Department and the Division over the past six months, I have determined that the period subject to review for your appointment be extended at this stage to 31 December 1992. This extension has been made to allow Dr Partis, as Executive Head of Department, a reasonable period in which to review your appointment.

In order for this process to commence would you please complete and forward to Dr Partis as soon as possible a Statement of Activities (in the form of the attachment to this letter) for the year ending 13 June 1992. When you have done so Dr Partis will no doubt discuss the statement with you.

Yours sincerely


c.c. Dr Partis, Executive Head, Department of Archaeology
Head, Division of Agriculture & Science

Compare the Vice-Chancellor's earlier words regarding the grounds on which the tenure review period may properly be extended.