David Rindos at the University of Western Australia:

An Abstract on Procedural Flaws

Dr David Rindos' academic performance at UWA over his three-year probationary period is summarised in the following statistics:

Research: Approximately three to four times the mean national publication rate in his discipline areas.

Research Impact: About four times the citation rate in the literature of all other UWA archaeologists combined (some 20 times their mean).

Teaching: Based upon student loads as computed by UWA, he carried around twice the teaching load of the other UWA archaeologists. The "drop-out" rate when he was teaching the first year class was also the lowest recorded: student withdrawal rates when other staff coordinated the class were some 2.5 to 4 times greater than his.

Administration: He became Head of Department some six months after his arrival. As Head he attempted to develop numerous projects in areas such as computer technology, foreign academic exchange programmes, student teaching evaluation, and written standards for departmental administration. Internal University grants to the Department went up by more than 500% under his headship.

Given that this was Dr Rindos' actual performance, it would seem reasonable to ask why was his tenure denied on grounds alleging unsatisfactory academic performance? Why was he the first person to be denied tenure by UWA?

The following data give some idea of how, if not why, the event occurred.

Contract and Award Provisions:

Natural Justice and Due Process:

1) The decision to deny tenure was prejudged.

2) The decision was made on improper and fallacious grounds.

3) The review, itself, was a flawed process which served solely to justify a decision already made rather than seeking an open, fair, and proper review of his academic performance.

4) The decision has been publicly misrepresented by the University.

[While extensive documentation for the claims made above may be found in a variety of locations in this Web Site, most of the points discussed here are covered in the comments by Dr Rindos to the replies given to the Parliamentary Questions, and in the discussion, and embedded documentation to his Statutory Declaration provided to the West Australian Freedom of Information Commissioner.]