Whistleblowers are well aware of
what it is like to come under attack at work. Ostracism, petty
harassment (slighting comments, loss of files, inconvenient
postings), threats and reprimands are just some of the techniques
used. Yet it is not only whistleblowers who suffer abuse at work.
This can also happen to individuals who are singled out for whatever
reason, such as their sex, ethnicity, personal style or good
performance, or just because they are a convenient target. Some
workplaces are so toxic that virtually everyone suffers in ongoing
battles involving tantrums, put-downs, set-ups and physical assaults.
In many such toxic workplaces, one person-the scapegoat-becomes a
convenient target for everyone's abuse.
The problems are familiar enough, but what to do about them is less
obvious. For those who have already blown the whistle, it is often
too late. They are either out the door, having been dismissed, or are
so stigmatised or traumatised as to have little chance of
contributing constructively to change.
Rather than confronting management by making a formal complaint or
public claim, is there any other alternative? One, of course, is to
do nothing, which is indeed the most common thing. But what if you
come under attack, or if one of your colleagues comes under attack?
What can be done to survive in the job?
Consulting books on management and organisations doesn't give much
guidance. There are stacks of books on dynamic leadership, empowering
the workplace and creating positive change. Unfortunately, these
sorts of optimistic writings give little recognition of the really
terrible dynamics of so many workplaces. Furthermore, they are
invariably oriented to managers, especially top managers. They assume
a sincere will to bring about beneficial change. There is virtually
nothing directed to middle and lower-level workers who would like to
change things but have no support from, or are actively sabotaged by,
their superiors.
Given this situation, it is exciting to find a new book that provides
some real hope for workplace victims: Judith Wyatt and Chauncey Hare,
Work Abuse: How to Recognize and Survive It (Rochester,
Vermont: Schenkman Books, 1997). This is a comprehensive guide to
surviving harassment, scapegoating, humiliation and undermining. It
is by far the most helpful manual that I've come across.
The authors have years of experience in counselling work abuse
victims. They are blunt in stating that most workplaces are abusive
and that there's no easy way to change them. Therefore, they argue,
the individual who is a target of abuse needs to develop personal
skills to understand the situation, change their emotional response
and rehearse new behaviours.
Their underlying premise is that in order to survive, change the
situation or leave successfully, one has to change oneself. Although
this will not be welcomed by those who seek to confront and expose
management, the approach nevertheless has useful insights for
organisational activists, especially in understanding what may be
happening to others and learning how to support them.
The authors rely on the concept of shame as the driving force behind
organisational dynamics. People are shamed (humiliated) in various
ways, for example by being exposed or criticised for doing an
inadequate job, by having suggestions ignored or laughed at, by being
revealed as too emotional or caring, and a host of other ways.
To develop a method of coping with the dynamics of shame in
organisations, the authors examine the psychology of both individuals
and groups. They develop the ideas of "cims" (childhood individual
maintenance strategies) that shape individual psychology and of
"norms" (native organisational maintenance strategies) that shape
group dynamics. Both cims and norms are unconscious, and their
interaction affects how individuals cope.
Wyatt and Hare's basic strategy for workers is to learn how to
analyse people and the organisation (cims and norms) and to develop
the capacity to not be affected by shaming, but instead to
psychologically distance oneself. In other words, rather than being
caught up in toxic behaviours at work, they believe it is possible to
emotionally separate oneself, maintaining integrity internally and
helping to survive and promote beneficial change. They are quite
clear about how difficult it is to get others to change, especially
managers, who have a stake in their power and who are threatened by
those who demonstrate competence (not to mention a direct
They elaborate two major methods for survival: "empowered awareness"
and "strategic utilisation." Empowered awareness is basically
becoming conscious of what is happening, including all the abuse,
rather than denying it. It is a process of developing the skills for
building one's own inner psychological world. It involves observing
your own feelings, evaluating other people's character styles and
observing the organisation's norms and power structure. It includes
generating meaning and purpose in one's own life, coping with shaming
by others, avoiding self-shaming and avoiding futile power
Strategic utilisation involves setting goals, planning and
preparation, evaluating alternatives and taking action. One important
part of this is working out one's own self-interests and also the
self-interests of others, and then aligning one's self-interests with
those of others, especially superiors, in order to achieve one's own
goals while not threatening others.
The authors give some lengthy examples, showing how shaming, abuse
and their recommended strategies operate. Their analysis is based
largely on experience with US workplaces, but most of it would apply
readily in Australia.
Work Abuse is a long book. It is not something to read in a
day or even a week. It does not provide a quick fix to urgent
problems. Rather, it is best studied slowly and thoughtfully. The
process of changing one's own habitual ways of responding to abuse is
not easy. The authors recommend finding either a therapist or a
friend to help, especially in recovering from a crisis. But most
important is being willing to undertake the process of change and
putting in the effort to do so.
The book needs to be ordered from the US (just ask any bookseller to
get it for you) and will cost about A$60. That's not cheap. But it is
a bargain if it gives even a chance of avoiding work abuse, which can
cause suffering for years, not to mention substantial financial
To a considerable extent, the reader must take what the authors say
on trust. There is no detailed justification for the analysis (such
as their assumption that shame is the key driving force in abuse),
nor any statistics on the effectiveness of their methods compared to
other techniques. Their case rests primarily on how well their
explanation fits with readers' own experiences and understandings. In
other words, you need to ask, does what they say ring true? To me it
In several places their observations mesh with views of those
familiar with whistleblowing. For example, they say you shouldn't
expect justice from top management. In fact, they say, "Justice is a
myth, a story; expecting it to happen within a negative-norm
workplace is always self-destructive."
The authors' focus is on surviving personally and developing
strategies to move ahead. In most cases, blowing the whistle leads
only to grief for the whistleblower and no change in the
organisation; the authors argue against any such self-destructive
path. However, they don't say what to do about large-scale corruption
or dangers to the public. Just ignoring it in order to survive hardly
seems enough. Their approach has value, I believe, even for those who
decide to take tackle such problems.
Whistleblowers Australia has had its own share of interpersonal and
organisational problems, which of course are not unique to the paid
workforce. Undoubtedly, many of the techniques provided here could be
applied within WBA as well as in members' workplaces. I look forward
to hearing from members who have practised the skills presented in
Work Abuse.
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Review of 10 books on bullying at work
Suppression of dissent website
Brian Martin's publications on whistleblowing and suppression