Note: this information was current in 1991, but most of it has since become out of date.
* Nonviolence Today, PO Box 292, West End Q 4101. Phone: ++61-7-3662660. Email: davek@peg.pegasus.oz
* Schweik Action Wollongong, PO Box 492, Wollongong East NSW 2520. Phone: ++61-42-287860. Fax: ++61-42-213452. Email:
* Andreas Maislinger, Department of Political Science, University of Innsbruck, A-6020 Innsbruck, Innrain 52. Phone: ++43-5222-7242712
* Arge für Wehrdienstverweigerung und Gewaltfreiheit, Schottengasse 3a/1159, A-1010 Wien. Phone: ++43-222-5359109
* Hans Sinn, Social Defence Project, R. R. 4, Perth, Ontario K7H 3C6. Phone and fax: ++1-613-2671899
* Groupe DPNV-Carouge, p.a. Michel Megard, 25 chemin des Voirons, CH-1213 Petit-Lancy
* Bund für Soziale Verteidigung, Friedensplatz, D-4950 Minden. Phone: ++49-571-24339
* Versohnungsbund, Kuhlenstr. 5a-7, 2082 Uetersen. Phone: ++49-4122-3663
* Ohne Rustung Leben, Kornbergstr. 32, 7000 Stuttgart 1. Phone: ++49-711-293388
* Foderation Gewaltfreier Aktionsgruppen/Graswurzelrevolution, Scharnhorststrasse 6, 5000 Koln 60. Phone: ++49-221-765842
* Guglielmo Minervini, La Meridiana, via M. D'Azeglio 46, 70056 Molfetta. Phone: ++39-80-941928. Fax: ++39-80-9340399
* Segreteria Tecnica, Rete di Formazione alla Nonviolenza, c/o Riccardo Marconcini, Piazza Cernaia 3/12, 16124 Genova. Phone: ++39-10-204360, ++39-10-202712. Fax: ++39-10-500724
* Lineke Schakenbos, c/- Women for Peace, Postbox 963, 3800 A Z AMERSFOORT
* Association for Transarmament Aotearoa, PO Box 5629, Dunedin
* Jörgen Johansen, Krossekärr 6822, 450 81 Grebbestad. Phone: ++46-525-11289. Fax: ++46-525-10893.
* Svenska Freds och Skiljedomsforeningen, Packhusgrand 6, 11130 Stockholm
* Michael Randle, School of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD7 1DP
* War Resisters International, 55 Dawes Street, London SE17 1EL. Phone: ++44-71-7037189 and ++44-71-2527937. Fax: ++44-71-7082545. Email: warresisters@gn.uucp
* Mel Beckman, Civilian-Based Defense: News & Opinion, 3636 Lafayette Avenue, Omaha NE 68131. Phone: ++1-402-5582085.
* Civilian-Based Defense Association, 154 Auburn Street, Cambridge MA 02139. Phone: ++1-617-8686058
* Barbara Clark, PO Box 1222, Walla Walla WA 99362. Phone: ++1-509-5220399
* Gene Sharp, Program on Nonviolent Sanctions in Conflict and Defense, Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1737 Cambridge Street, Cambridge MA 02138
* International Office: Woolman Hill, Keets Road, Deerfield MA 01342, USA. Phone: ++1-413-7739738