Citizen Advocacy

Articles, discussions and policy documents

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Brian Martin. Citizen advocacy and paid advocacy: a comparison. Interaction, Vol. 17, Issue 1, 2003, pp. 15-20.

Brian Martin. Citizen advocacy futures. Citizen Advocacy Forum, Volume 14, Issue I & II, January-December 2004, pp. 44-49.

Mitchel Peters, formerly coordinator at Citizen Advocacy Eastern Suburbs in Perth, Australia, has written a series of insightful and sensitive articles about Citizen Advocacy published in Inroads, the programme's newsletter.

Wolf Wolfensberger, "Assumptions underlying citizen advocacy: a brief outline of some of the most important concepts and assumptions underlying citizen advocacy."

Wolf Wolfensberger, "What advocates have said", Citizen Advocacy Forum, Vol. 11, No. 2, November 2001, pp. 4-27: a comprehensive account of what citizen advocates say about their experience.


Board learning. What do board members -- especially new ones -- really need to know? And what is the best way to learn it?

Maintaining the passion. How can staff, advocates and board members maintain their passion for citizen advocacy? What inhibits passion?

Advocate associates. How can we make advocate associate relationships more meaningful, both to advocates and to the programme?

Policy documents

A selection of documents provided by programmes is provided here as possible models or sources of ideas. For further information, contact the relevant programme. (Further contact details are provided in the contacts page.)

Citizen Advocacy Sunbury and Districts


Policy documents used by the program for protege recruitment and other matters are available here in Word and pdf

Illawarra Citizen Advocacy



Policy and procedures manual


Board of management roles and responsibilities

Handbook for advocates

A guide for proteges

Maintained by Brian Martin,
Last updated 7 November 2005