Central Map ..... Initial Map ..... USA Map ..... Australian Map ..... International Map ..... Corporate Practices Map..... (to print)

The Processes at Work

This page will summarise the psychological, sociological and political processes at work in the corporate marketplace. I will try to develop paradigms from which we can draw conclusions which will help us design a better health system.

At present it simply provides access to pages which touch on this issue.

The Process of Marketplace Reform

This page describes social, psychological and political aspects to the process of change. These create pitfalls and challenges which are seldom confronted. The manner in which marketplace ideology has been imposed in health care illustrates many of the problems and the unfortunate consequences.

CLICK HERE -- to go to the page about reform

Social Process and Health care

When Columbia/HCA made its bid to enter Australia in February 1997 I wrote a submission opposing its entry into Australia. In the background introduction I wrote about global processes, economic thinking, social processes and health care. I put this submission onto the www as a series of pages in 1998.

CLICK HERE -- to go to the background page in this submission.


Corporate Medicine in Australia

By the end of 1997 there was a vast amount of information documenting the failure of the US marketplace. I wrote this page at this time in order to relate what was happening in health care to the other problems of our times and to move attention from the visible manifestations of corporate medicine to the underlying processes at work. It drew attention to similar thinking and similar practices in Australia.

CLICK HERE -- to go to this page about processes at work


Central Map ..... Initial Map ..... USA Map ..... Australian Map ..... International Map ..... Corporate Practices Map..... (to print)
This page created April 2000 by Michael Wynne