Recent particle physics PhD
11 October 2004
Hi Jeff, First, I
must congratulate you for your bravery and hard work in writing Disciplined
Minds. My story may be of
some interest to you, if only to add another yes vote to your tally. I embarked on a particle physics PhD
program at a UK university, full of optimism and never having considered a
search into unofficial opinions of the doctorate process beforehand. Perhaps if I had consulted your book then
the story would have been different.
Instead, I have recently finished the PhD "successfully"
with the feeling of having slowly and painfully emerged from a huge mistake. My PhD included an extended work period
onsite at a major accelerator center in the US, and the wide exposure to
methodologies, politics and mindsets allows me to feel comfortable commenting
on your work. Your book
examines a number of issues that I had become aware of independently and
later on through a circle of disillusioned companions. I tended to split PhD students into two
major categories. The first type, in
which I classify myself, is curiosity driven with global interests in
relationships between objects, and between people and objects. Physics can then initially appear as a
discipline offering an unparalleled number of insights into the world around
us. The other type seems generally
reward driven, with their internal drive determined by approval from
authority figures such as parents or teachers. The reputation of physics as a "brainy" subject has
appeal in such cases. I found that
these latter types are obviously more controllable and hence desirable on a
large-scale experiment, where bright young people are essentially conned into
menial work. As illustrated by your
parallels between university and workplace, sadly there appears no place in
professional society or mainstream science for the former type of
student. Your description of the two
types of female student able to find success -- masculinized or
ultra-feminine -- was completely accurate in my observations. My
experiences could be generalized further among several concepts not seen in
your book. The first concept at play,
the British "class system," is perhaps not specific to the PhD
system but a wider spirit of professionalism in the UK. The students who seemed to be given a
degree of warmth, support structure and teamwork within the British
contingent were either those from the educational institutes (private schools
and the Oxford-Cambridge sectors) that most heavily mould behaviour or those
that aped such behaviour. The
divisions of such a hierarchy within staff members at my university
department and others was quite clear, with the foreign researchers placed
subtly yet perpetually on the lower rungs of power and social ranking. Another
concept was that of a constant guilt trip to always do work. A number of students commented on the
feeling that whatever you do is never seen as enough, although there was no intellectually
satisfying reward for completing assigned tasks -- just more work of the
tedious variety and responsibilities akin to speeding up the treadmill pace
(hence my earlier description of the "authority approval" students
as the models of success in particle physics). Many researchers worked long hours, depriving themselves of the
possibility for a balanced lifestyle. The
atmosphere in the "cold, logical and intellectual" scientific
establishment was such that none of the students who wanted to "get
on" were spontaneous or ever discussed feelings, seldom permitted
themselves to smile or relax, and for the most part "talked shop"
about the technical details involved in their job outside of the workplace
through either guarding their emotions or simply having nothing of variety or
interest to say! One aspect
I feel that you did not touch on deeply was the marked social skill set of
typical establishment figures in physics.
By this, I mean that the successful physical sciences researcher
generally has very poor social skills, a highly conventional mindset and
strong disapproval of stepping outside the boundaries. I believe social skills deteriorate partly
because of peer reward for a cold, logical detachment, and a person will
quickly learn to adapt by means of social disapproval and exclusion or plan
their escape from the field of science.
The fact that society labels the job holder as highly intelligent no
doubt plays no small part in researchers believing they have little need to
learn about the world around them and consequently often have zero interest
in art, politics, general science and so on.
Training process associations such as these killed interest in a
science career for a number of PhD student friends alongside my
disenchantment. It seems
doubtful to me that the attitudes we hold will ever have any impact on those
figures accepted into senior scientific establishment roles. Nevertheless, I have widely recommended
your book to aspiring scientists, and the hope is that with the sacrifices
made clear at least some of these bright young people will turn toward
alternative careers with a far greater likelihood of personal satisfaction
and benefit to our world. Yours
truly, Name
Withheld, PhD UK PS: Please
hide my personal details before posting this letter on the Web, as I still
need job references from the PhD process. |