LOQUAT [or other fruit] CHUTNEY 1996 One can use almost anything in this [peach, nectarine, mango, pepino, apricot, even all apples, etc.]. No matter what fruit is used, however, the apples ARE important in increasing the thickness of the sauce. One merely has to change the amount of time cooking the various fruit (it gets lightly poached, just to cook it -- it should NOT become soft). FRUIT: 1 kg or so Loquats, seeded and cut into quarters [other fruit obviously, get cut into appropriate sized pieces] 2 C apples, peeled and sliced into 1 x 1/4 inch pieces. 1/2 C lemon juice Prepare fruit, putting the lemon over the apples CHUTNEY MIX: Spices: 2 t @ fenugreek seed, cassia stick, black mustard seed, white mustard seed, cumin, coriander. 1 t @ cardamom seeds, anise, fennel. 1/2 C finely slivered fresh, young, ginger [I just chop in food processor] ginger was a bit old and strong so used shy 1/2 C chopped 1/4 C slivered garlic [did roughly chopped in processor] 4 C vinegar (white malt, or other depending upon result wanted) 1/2 C water Some chopped green chilies or 1 T or so chili powder [Make hot to taste -- I keep it VERY mild -- 1 chopped green cayenne] Toast the seeds, Add vinegar and bring to a boil. Simmer covered for 15 minutes or so to spice the vinegar. [may do ahead and let sit] 2 C slivered seeded peppers Mostly Red (about 1/4 green)[these were thin fleshed, winter crop stuff -- added after onions started cooking.] 1 C slivered onion Julienne zest from lemons salt to taste. (about 1 T or so) Add the veggies and bring to a boil and cook covered to blend flavors. The onions should be just beginning to get tender (about 15 minutes or so) [may do ahead and just let sit]. ADD: 5 C sugar (white or brown or a mix -- for Loquats I used white). Bring to a boil to dissolve the sugar. ADD: Lemon Juice and apples. Let cook until apple is BEGINNING to get transparent ADD: the Loquats and bring back to a full boil. [harder fruit, or fruit in larger pieces, may need more cooking]. Let cool. Then let stand for a day so it gives off its juice [this is VERY important]. Check the seasonings: see if it needs more chili, salt or sugar. It should be strongly sweet and sour. Strain and then boil just until it is fairly thick and syrupy. This is VERY important. (I do the final cooking down of the juice in the microwave [indeed I make all my jams in the microwave now!] Put the fruit back into syrup and bring to a boil. Jar and seal. Makes 7/8 peanut butter jars of chutney. David Rindos - Nov. 1996