Office of the Vice-Chancellor
Nedlands, Western Australia 6009


10 June, 1993

Dr D Rindos
20 Herdsmans Parade (BR> WEMBLEY WA 6014

Dear Dr Rindos


I have given earnest consideration to the Report of the Tenure Review Committee which I established to assist me in making my decision as to whether your appointment should be converted to an appoint not subject to review, and to your formal Response to the Report dated 15 April 1993. I have also taken into account our discussion held on 21 May 1993.

In your Response you suggest that I should reject the finding of the Committee upon which its unanimously recommendation not to convert was based. In relation to the issue of your research activity during your probationary period at the University and the suggestion that interpersonal difficulties have mitigated against you, I note that both your relocation to the Geography Department and the previous extension of your probation were designed to assist in this regard and to permit a proper probationary assessment to be made of your academic performance.

There are matters in addition to those canvassed by the Committee about which I also hold serious reservations. Firstly, in your response you make it clear that difficulties between yourself and Professor Bowdler which you strongly imply have interfered with your academic performance remain ever present. Furthermore the scope of the Archaeology programme is under scrutiny and some reductions have already been made. Given all of the above and taking into consideration the broader implications for the University, I have concluded that your appointment should not be converted to a "Permanent Appointment Not Subject to Review." In summary, the grounds for my decision are those upon which the Committee's recommendation were based and the matters referred to above.

In accordance with the University's regulations governing tenure for academic staff, your current appointment will therefore end on 13 June 1993. Please note that you will receive further advice shortly in relation to amounts payable to you upon the expiration of your employment with the University. I am mindful, however, that this letter provides you with only three days formal notice in advance of that date. In these circumstances I have decided to authorise a payment to you equivalent to a further six months' salary in lieu of additional notice.

Yours sincerely
