8 October 1992

Ms K. A. Evans
F.A.U.S.A. Industrial Officer (W.A.)

Dear Kerry,

                  Dr. D. Rindos - Tenure Review 
Reports on David's research activities have now been received from the two nominated independent assessors.

I have studied these reports and also David's statement of activities. I have received a number of testimonials in support of David, and these have also been taken into account. Unfortunatly I have come to the conclusion that I should not recommend to the Vice-Chancellor that David Rindos be given tenure.

The delays which have occurred are not David's fault and I accept that the University will need to make some provision for what happens next year.

I would welcome an opportunity to discuss this further with you.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Partis

Copies to Vice-Chancellor

  • Mr. R. Slater


    This represents the full and sole communication Dr Rindos received, via his Union (it was not sent directly to him!), on the reasons for the recommendation to deny tenure. His attempts to gain further data were refused by Dr Partis, save to say to Dr Rindos that the recommendation was not one that "tenure should be denied," but instead that it was a decision to "not recommend" on the matter.

    Naturally, this left him even more confused.

    And, of no small interest, the decision was written before the production of either of Dr Partis' documents which provided the reasons to deny tenure.