David Rindos
20 Herdsmans Parade
Wembley 6014

Professor Faye Gale
The Vice Chancellory
University of Western Australia
Nedlands 6009

4 December 1992

Dear Professor Gale:

As you must be aware, my period of extended probation comes to an end in the very near future. I have not been informed of any deficiency in my work during my probationary period.

I have published, supervised, taught, administered, contributed to the University community and the outside community, and my performance in all areas has been, at the very least, satisfactory. Furthermore I have undertaken an unusually high level of administrative responsibility for a probationary employee in that I was Acting Head of Department for over one year. This is not usual for a person in my position. I know that my performance in all areas has been satisfactory and therefore I ask for confirmation of my tenure as a matter of urgency.

I would emphasize that all annual reviews of my performance have been satisfactory. I am therefore most concerned that an extension of my probationary period was even necessary. I am even more concerned now that no final confirmation of my tenure has emerged when I am only a very few working weeks away from the end of that period.

I respectfully request that if you have any evidence of inadequate performance, that such evidence be forwarded in writing to me immediately. The requirements of natural justice make it clear that if any substantive allegations of unsatisfactory performance have been made, then I must be given the opportunity to review such evidence and contest the matter in an appropriate manner.

I look forward to the notification that my tenure has been confirmed.

Most Sincerely,

David Rindos

CC: Ms. Kerry Evans, FAUSA
Ms. Sally Zanetic, Personnel