The Sunday Times, Perth

  • 15 December 1996

    Heart attack killed Rindos
    by Joe Poprzecny

    This week's death of Dr David Rindos, the former University of WA academic who fought for reinstatement after being denied tenure, was caused by a massive heart attack.

    And according to Dr Rindos' partner, the State Coroner believes his condition was probably caused by tension.

    David Goddard said his partner's ashes would be flown to New York at the request of Dr Rindos' mother, who wants them buried next to her husband.

    But a cremation service will be held at Karrakatta Cemetary at 1:30 pm on Tuesday.

    Dr Rindos arrived in Perth in 1989 as a senior archaeology lecturer at UWA.

    In 1991, his department was reviewed and Dr Rindos gave damaging evidence against archaeologist Professor Sandra Bowdler.

    Following another review which vindicated his stand, he was deemed not to have published adequate articles and was refused tenure.

    His death does not mean WA Parliament will drop its ongoing investigation into the scandal.

    Committee member Barbara Scott said she wanted the inquiry to continue next year.

    "I will strongly support continuation of the parliamentary investigation into the activities in relation to Dr Rindos," Mrs Scott said.

    "The fact that he died is not material to many of the accusations made against the university.

    "These matters must be investigated and settled for the good of students and the university."

    UWA Vice-Chancellor Professor Fay Gale said she extended her sympathy to Dr Rindos' friends.

    [see accompanying item on page 28]