You pre-empted my findings

YOUR editorial (Many casualties in Rindos affair 15/3) included the following passage: "By any reading of evidence publicly available, the university followed the correct procedure and was justified in denying tenure to Dr David Rindos, a former senior le cturer in archaeology. The committee that considered Dr Rindos' future found unanimously against granting him tenure on the basis of his academic record." As you are aware, I am carrying out a formal investigation into a complaint by Dr Rindos against the UWA.

At this stage it is not appropriate for me to comment on the merits of Dr Rindos' complaint. However, I am surprised and concerned that your editorial, as well as dealing, quite properly, with general Issues, goes so far as to state that the university was Justified in denying tenure to him. In my view, your statement could potentially be seen as pre-empting my findings.

I have not yet arrived at a conclusion on Dr Rindos' complaint and will not do so until I have examined all the available evidence. On the completion of my investigation I may decide to table my findings in Parliament. If I do, I will provide you with a copy at that time.

R. EADIE, State Ombudsman.