Professor's role in row questioned

A UNIVERSITY of WA academic who urged the UWA senate to inquire into the Rindos affair is to be the subject of a complaint about his role in the controversy.

The West Australian has learnt that archaeology professor Sandra Bowdler and a former doctoral student are to complain to the senate's Rindos affair inquiry committee about the way associate professor Neville Bruce chaired the 1991 archaeology review committee and about his subsequent role.

Complaints will also be made about the other UWA academic on the committee, psychology professor Bernard Moulden.

The student said in a confidential letter to UWA vice-chancellor Fay Gale in February 1992 that when she was interviewed by the committee she felt she was on trial and the process had been very upsetting.

Professor Bowdler said in a confidential 1992 letter to Professor Gale that she had been subjected to an unnecessary degree of unpleasantness.

Professor Bowdler claimed the review did not restrict itself to its academic terms of reference but brought in another agenda--about David Rindos.

"Serious allegations are made (in the report) which were not discussed with me at all at any time during my two consultations with the committee, nor with any other member of the department, and for which no supporting evidence is provided," she said.

In a document tabled in State Parliament Professor Bruce said that normally the head of a department would have the right to reply to any criticisms of the department but these were not normal circumstances because most of the serious allegations were against her.

After the review, Professor Bruce wrote letters in support of the tenure application by Dr Rindos and also wrote an open letter complaining about the treatment of Dr Rindos by the university.

Last month, he joined Professor Charles Oxnard in calling for an inquiry into the UWA archaeology issues by the UWA senate and academic board.