Bowdler not UWA report target


ALLEGATIONS from the Rindos quarter that a UWA report was critical of-archaeology professor Sandra Bowdler are clearly wrong.

The 1992 report by engineering professor Doug Clyde and law associate professor Stan Hotop made no judgment on the truth or otherwise of allegations against Professor Bowdler.

A Sunday Times article yesterday on the recently released Clyde- Hotop report had an incorrect headline -- "UWA report slams Bowdler" -- and claimed the report was critical of the professor.

The article portrayed allegations made about Professor Bowdler as findings of the report's authors.

In the section of the report described by the Sunday Times, the two professors referred several times to the submissions as "allegations" and discussed a way of investigating them, clearly indicating the accusations against Professor Bowdler had not been proved. In the section of the report described by the Sunday Times, the two professors referred several times to the submissions as "allegations" and discussed a way of investigating them, clearly indicating the accusations against Professor Bowdler had not bee n proved. A report in the Australian last week reviewed the report but did not make the same error as the Sunday Times, which has published many reports on the case of David Rindos, the former archaeology lecturer denied tenure because of lack of producti vity.

Most of the submissions made to the Clyde/Hotop committee supported Professor Bowdler.