------------------------------ Date: Mon, 15 Dec 1997 17:45:03 +1100 From: Julian.ODea@MAILHOST.DPIE.GOV.AU Subject: More on the Rindos Affair More on the Rindos Affair Cross-posted with Anthro-L >From an editorial in a recent edition of an Australian newspaper: Rindos Affair Points to Academic Hubris "Last week a West Australian parliamentary committee reported adversely on the university [of Western Australia], saying it had not acted sufficiently fairly in denying tenure to archaeologist David Rindos..... ... Dr Rindos, a homosexual who died of a heart attack late last year, maintained he was persecuted because he supported female students who made allegations of sexual misconduct against the former head of the university's archaeology department, Sandra Bowdler, who denied the allegations. Professor [Fay] Gale denies those allegations led to Dr Rindos being denied tenure in 1993, citing instead adverse reports on his teaching and research performance. It subsequently emerged in evidence to the State Ombudsman that Professor Gale had offered Dr Rindos the equivalent of two years' salary in exchange for his resignation.... ... it is inappropriate for a taxpayer-funded organisation to deny Parliament the right to investigate its performance." I gave an URL earlier which is not the freshest on this case. Those wanting more information should try: http://wings.buffalo.edu/anthropology/Rindos/ Julian O'Dea julian.odea@dpie.gov.au http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/5396/ ------------------------------