------------------------------ (orig. posted to ANTHRO-L@LISTSERV.ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU) Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 10:30:00 +1100 From: Julian O'Dea Subject: Dr David Rindos RIP Dr David Rindos RIP An earlier version of this seems to have vanished into the void, so this is a resend with some changes: I would like to second the post below. Rindos was a very brilliant scholar - he had the written support of some of the top archaeologists in the world including Lord Renfrew of Cambridge. The performance of the University authorities was dubious, at best. Rindos' story was Kafkaesque in the most literal sense. The whole scandalous affair should not be forgotten simply because poor Rindos died young. In Australia we have a folk-myth of the innocent Australian who goes to the United States and is ruined. This was a real-life case of the exact opposite. Rindos' other claim to fame was that he may have been the first person to win a libel case based on something written on the Internet. This was against someone who accused him of being a paederast. He was an out-of-the-closet homosexual. Ironically, his chief antagonist was an out-of-the-closet female homosexual. Julian O'Dea julian.odea@dpie.gov.au http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/5396/