From: SMTP%"jgordon@UNIWA.UWA.EDU.AU" 25-JUN-1993 07:50:48.53
To: Multiple recipients of list ANTHRO-L
Subj: Suppression of Academic Freedom:Reply

As an anthropologist and Head of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Western Australia, I read with grave concern the posting concerning D. Rindos. This posting presents a one-sided depiction of the events concerning D. Rindos and the termination of his appointment at U.W.A. It is my understanding of these events that the Vice-Chancellor has dealt with all matters concerning Rindos and his tenure according to procedures laid down by the Australian Universities Academic Staff Award. This award has the force of national law and protects working conditions of academics in Australia. The award prevents vice-chancellors from sacking staff without cause and requires them to follow a stringent set of procedures regarding dismissal. At all stages Rindos has been represented by FAUSA, the Australian academic staff union. My point is simple: there is another side to this story and I hope readers will not jump to conclusions on the basis of the previous posting alone. I make these comments as an interested observer whose department is now responsible for the other archaeologists in the university. Neither I nor any of my colleagues has had any direct involvement in the proceedings against Rindos.