From hjarvis@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDUThu Mar 28 10:46:24 1996
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 11:23:28 -0500
From: "Hugh W. Jarvis" [hjarvis@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU] To: Multiple recipients of list ARCH-L, ANTHRO-L, sci.anthroplogy, sci.archaeology
Subject: Announcing the "Rindos Web Site"

(appologies to any who receive this twice)

I would like to announce the "Rindos Affair" Web Site, an online resource documenting in extensive detail Dr. David Rindos's tangle with the University of Western Australia and details of the demise of their Archaeology Department. It is a sad tale which should never have happened.

We have endeavoured to represent all sides of these issues, although you will notice that the University has not been very forthcoming with infromation. You will be able to access Freedom -of-Information-released University documents, Press aricles, letters, legal summaries, and items posted to the Internet at your leasure. While the site is massive, not surprisingly due to the complexity and history of this affair, it actually only contains perhaps half of what is available!! New items are continually being added and will be noted on the welcome page. Major additions will be announced on the usual professional lists and newsgroups.

Please direct your Web browser to the following URL:

Hugh Jarvis

...tis better to be silent and thought a fool
than to reply and remove all doubt... (oops)