From meriruka@INTERSERV.COMWed Mar 27 15:06:25 1996
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 1996 20:37:32 -0800
From: "Monica A. Smith" [meriruka@INTERSERV.COM]
To: Multiple recipients of list ARCH-L [ARCH-L@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU]
Subject: Re: Archaeology UWA -newspaper article March 6

Just a few questions here... If Bowlder has an "impeccable record" since her reprimand, (For what ,I wonder) then why are only 3/4 's of the submissions favorable? Just what does the other 1/4 contain? Why is there so much focus on this side issue? The real question here is why was Mr. Rhindos denied tenure? If the reason is because he failed to meet the "academic standards at UWA" , let's see some evidence of that. So far I have not seen one shred to support that claim.

Monica Smith
U of PA

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