From Jeske@SMTPLINK.IPFW.INDIANA.EDUWed Mar 27 14:59:49 1996
Date: Tue, 5 Mar 1996 13:55:05 -0500
To: Multiple recipients of list ARCH-L [ARCH-L@TAMVM1.TAMU.EDU]
Subject: Re: Hugh Jarvis's posting concerning UWA Archaeology

Disclaimer: I have no vested interest in the affair, and only make judgements upon the written correspondence posted on the net.

I have no idea about Australian precedent, but in the US, the courts have repeatedly upheld a university's right to fire a faculty member for "non- collegiality", regardless of his/her academic qualifications. It would certainly make the university look much better if they could back off their preposterous claim that Dr. Rindos does not measure up to the standards of UWA. If they wish to fire him for something personal, then at least be straight about it.

What is truly amazing in all of this has been that UWA administrators, including Mr. Tonkinson, have provided nothing of substance to refute the apparently serious charges lodged against the University. Yes, the charges are scandalous and career damaging--but are they true? All Tonkinson and his superiors have done is dither about, threatening various people with legal suits, rather than deal substantively with the issues clouding the department and the university.

Bob Jeske

Tonkinson wrote:
[deleted here]. See The original posting

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