Date: Sat, 24 Feb 1996 15:23:34 +8
From: Jim Duffield

Subject: The Sexual Harassment Hush-Up Affair

Dear Vice Chancellor,

I have just read with concern the Rindos Webpages at Buffalo.

I am shocked, as a W.A. father of five children, that academics are running rampant at UWA. I understand that the entire affair began with Dr Rindos' most ethical conduct when he notified his colleagues and management of concerns about senior female sexual harrassment of female students on campus and in the field, is this so?

The management of this situation seems so bizarre to me, like conservatism gone so mad as to turn full circle,
Nazism = Communism? More circus-like than a three ring?

Further, I would be intrigued by the opinion of Kingswood College on this subject?

Must it therefore follow that guild membership for women students at UWA should be compulsory, regardless of the state government's VSU, simply to empower a student to engage the system if harassed at your establishment?

As an ex-serviceman I live on the ether of loyalty, but what of the obligations of loyalty to the student and the W.A. community, it would appear that such loyalty to students was only displayed by Dr Rindos and he is without his position?

Loyalty is star shaped so as to be all encompassing and reciprocal - not just horizontal.

How can any of these activities be held to the mirror of Socrates and Moses Maimonides and reflected to our youth. Your establishment must have been so rudderless in recent times one can only conclude that the academic wont for interference has been to repair this situation by building a rudder onto each end of the boat and the middle each side of the vessel, then which way is forward?

I can only support any call for a full Parliamentary and/or Judicial enquiry into the sound managent practiced by Dr Rindos that has been permitted to become an affair. I am concerned for my children and embarassed for my nation and state that an international academic of the status of Dr Rindos has been treated so shabbily.

Please tell me that that that is displayed at Buffalo is a fabrication.

Economic rationalism perhaps says that this state must have the highest calibre archaeologists in the world. Yet social justice and Mabo must contrarily dictate that our anthropology also be of the highest calibre. It is your job to assure the funding base for your activities that this is the case, that there is balance in all things. Taxpayers expect better from the alleged best in this state.

I remain,

|\/\/\/|*Captain Jim Duffield (Retired)*
|   o o|  * 12 Hurrey Place BEECHBORO WA 6063 AUSTRALIA  * 
C      _)                "When all is well,
| ,____|                 you carry the Law,
|    /               when the going gets tough,                 
|   |                   the Law carries you.     
                       [thanks to W. D. Ingie]
                  [Innawonga Man of the Karijini]
*Ph: 61 9 377 7871     Fax: 61 9 377 7871 (Pls ring first)*