From: SMTP%"PACARC-L%WSUVM1.BITNET@cmsa.Berkeley.EDU" 25-JUN-1993 11:35:13.62
To: Multiple recipients of list PACARC-L
Subj: Re: Academic Suppression (x-posting)

The recent posting by Hugh Jarvis describes a supposed case of suppression involving Dr David Rindos. This is a highly inaccurate version of these events. To single out but one inaccuracy, far from any other department at UWA being "enthusiastic" about Dr Rindos joining their staff, NOT A SINGLE department has been willing to have him, despite generous conditions offered by the university. Anyone who wants to know the truth should contact someone else at UWA, such as the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Head of Academic Board, Senate etc - unless they are ALL believed to be involved in some conspiracy.

Sandra Bowdler
University of Western Australia