GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY Division of Environmental Sciences25 March 1993
Professor Fay Gale
University of Western Australia
Dear Professor Gale
For some time now I have been generally informed by Dr David Rindos of his situation at your University. More recently, I have been forwarded a copy of a letter by A/Prof. Neville Bruce which reviews Dr Rindos's position and argues that some injustice may have been done to Dr Rindos. I cannot of course pretend that I am personally acquainted with the ins and outs of the long process of review which Dr Rindos has had to bear, but I am moved by A/Prof. Bruce's letter to write in academic support of Dr Rindos.
I have known David Rindos for some 7 years, and my interest in his research predates his appointment to your University. Both of us have been interested in the origins of agriculture and the issue of domestication, and we have presented papers in the same conferences on this topic. His work in this field is highly innovative and of world importance, and this would be freely acknowledged by people such as Professor David Harris of the Institute of Archaeology, University of London -- himself a world-renowned writer in this field. David Rindos has an extremely strong background in evolutionary biology, archaeology and early agriculture, and he possesses a remarkable ability to synthesize across several fields of study.
I think highly of his work and I know he has the ability both to carry out research at the highest level and to enthuse new researchers and students. He is a strong theoretician, and one who has considerable ability in the general field of philosophy of science, especially as applied to archaeology. His understanding of evolutionary theory and its application is considerable. I believe he has a great deal to offer your University through obtaining tenure, and my perusal of his c.v. indicates that he has been productive since his arrival in Australia, despite what must have been a trying time. In my opinion his overall production more than justifies the granting of tenure.
Yours sincerely
Associate Professor Athol Chase.