Other Notorious Australian University Legal Cases

Also see...

+ The excellent page on the obstruction of civil liberties and intellectual freedoms in education by Danny Yee <danny@cs.usyd.edu.au>.

+ The research essay, "Love, Hate, Justice and Publicity", on Web publishing legal concerns, by Rod Eime <rodeime@alliance.aust.com> (includes mention of Rindos vs Hardwick Case and this site).

A. Ormond College (Melbourne University)
- the Alan Gregory sexual harassment case

This case resulted in two books (both published by Random House 1997? The First Stone: Some Questions about Sex and Power by Helen Garner (ISBN 033035583x).
1997 Bodyjamming edited by Jenna Mead (ISBN 0091834031), a critique of The First Stone.

+ The Age - Melbourne Online
Daily News 11 July 1997: "Garner's book slated in US" By ANDREW CLARK, an excerpt follows...
"Two female students at Melbourne University's prestigious Ormond College made informal complaints of sexual harassment against the then- Master, Dr Alan Gregory, over incidents alleged to have occurred at the college's valedictory dinner.

After six months of informal investigation by the college and the university, the complaints were dismisssed.

The women then made complaints to the police who laid charges of sexual assault against Dr Gregory.

One charge was dismissed and one was upheld but overturned on appeal. Dr Gregory consistently denied the allegations....

In her lengthy New Yorker review, [reviewer Janet] Malcolm says The First Stone "is the story of the author's thwarted attempt to write a 'quiet, thoughtful account' of a case of sexual harassment in Melbourne."

+ "Helen Garner's The First Stone": "Message to the friend who lent me the book"
(8 December 1996) page by Val <val@pcug.org.a>
+ Amazon.Com's listing for The First Stone
read their comments on the book and what readers have sent in...

B. Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)
- the Sawyer case

+ most of a department's faculty left within one year (contract not renewed, resigned, terminated, etc) under allegations of misuse of funds, academic fraud, etc.
+ there has been some press on this and the matter was considered by a Parliamentary Committee (ISBN 0642213097 & 0642235139)
+ Kim Sawyer is now in the Department of Economics at Melbourne University

C. Bond University
- the John Orr case

+ Orr was a journalism student who was upset with the lack of supervision in his program and that he was not allowed to follow the direction he felt had been agreed upon when he enrolled
(Last modified: June 23, 1998

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