Dear ---------,

I am pleased to be able to let you know that, following consideration of a submission made on your behalf by Professor Taylor, the Chairman of the University Scholarships Committee, on behalf of the Committee, has approved an extension of your University Research Studentship which is currently due to expire on 13 September 1991 until 31 December 1991; representing an extension of three and a half months. The Personnel Administration office has been requested to continue payment of your URS stipend until 31 December 1991.

You will be aware that students who have taken up new awards since the beginning of 1989 are limited to a maximum of six months of extension and for this reason the Scholarships Committee has been reluctant to approve lengthy extensions of tenure for some time. However, the Chairman of the Scholarships Committee is aware of the history of your PhD candidacy and is satisfied that for a variety of reasons you have not enjoyed a favourable research environment. Accepting that the difficulties and delays which you have experienced have been brought about by factors outside your direct control to some extent the question of any additional extension of your Studentship beyond the end of this year will be assessed in relation to the progress which you have made since relinquishing your employment commitments and transferring your enrolment to the Department of Geography. The Scholarships Committee is making no commitment concerning further extension of your Award at this stage but this decision will be made on the basis of the nature of your 1991 annual report due to be submitted to the PhD Committee by the end of September.

The Scholarships Committee hopes that you will be able to make the best use of the opportunities which have now been granted to you for the continued successful development of your project.

Yours sincerely,

B P CLEARY for Registrar