Minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Senate held in the Senate Room, University, Nedlands on Monday, 27th March 1995, at 4.30 pm.

PRESENT: The Chancellor (The Hon Mr Justice Kennedy) in the Chair, the Vice-Chancellor (Professor Fay Gale), Mr K Abercromby, Mr I P Barrett-Lennard, Mr G Black, Professor R J B Bosworth, Clinical Professor L A Cala, Ms A Coomber, Clinical Professor A\312K\312Cohen, Ms N Curling, Mr J Fogarty, Dr J I Gill, Mrs J Jones, Mr\312W\312S Latter, Professor D R Lindsay, Dr J B Mackintosh, Mr\312P\312W Nichols, the Hon Justice Nicholson, Dr T I Quickenden, Mrs\312D\312E\312Ransom, Associate Professor M Seares.

By Invitation: the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Professor A Robson), the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) (Professor M Barber), the Vice-Principal (Mr M L Griffith), the Warden of Convocation (Mr B Pember), the President of the Academic Staff Association (Dr S Penrose), the representative of the Community & Public Sector Union (Mr B Houliston), the Director of Development (Ms Lesleigh Green), the Executive Officer to the Vice-Chancellor (Mrs E Spoor). The Registrar (Mr M R Orr) as Secretary.

APOLOGIES: Dr H Clough, Mr P King, Mrs B Robbins, Ms R Low (President of the International Students Society),



3.2 New Item 16

At the request of a member it was agreed that an additional item 16 should be added to the Minutes of the meeting held on 27th February 1995:

"16. Dr D Rindos The Chancellor reported the outcome of a hearing in the Western Australian Industrial Commission concerning Dr Rindos".

While there was no discussion of the above item on 27th February 1995, it was felt that it was important to create a record of Senate's continuing awareness of all developments in this case.