PRESENT: The Chancellor (The Hon Mr Justice Kennedy) in the Chair, the Pro-Chancellor (Clinical Professor A K Cohen), the Vice-Chancellor (Professor F Gale), Mr K Abercromby, Mr I P Barrett-Lennard, Professor R J B Bosworth, Clinical Professor L A Cala, Dr W H Clough, Ms A Harvie-Morris, Mr J Fogarty, Mr S Freitag, Dr J Gill, Mrs J Jones, Professor D R Lindsay, Dr J B Mackintosh, Dr J Meyer, Mr P W Nichols, The Hon Justice Nicholson, Mr J Paton, Dr T I Quickenden, Mrs D E Ransom, Mrs B Robbins, Mr J Skivinis. By Invitation: the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) (Professor M Barber), the Chair of the Academic Board (Professor M Sargent), the Warden of Convocation (Mr B Pember), the President of the Academic Staff Association (Dr S Penrose), the representative of the Community & Public Sector Union (Mr M Johns), the President of the Postgraduate Students Association (Mr M Hamblin), the Executive Officer to the Vice-Chancellor (Mrs E Spoor). The Registrar (Mr M R Orr) as Secretary
APOLOGIES: Dr J B Mackintosh, Mr P King, the Vice-Principal (Mr M L Griffith)
The Chancellor raised with Senate the recent press speculation about problems in the former Department of Archaeology, and the University's handling of issues relating to two staff who were members of the Department. The Chancellor reported receiving a letter from Professor Oxnard and Associate Professor Bruce, addressed to a number of persons within the University including the members of the Academic Board. They asked that the primary documents tabled in parliament in support of a statement made by the Hon Mark Neville, be made the subject of study and report throughout the University. Copies of the letter were available to members of the Senate who wished to have copies.
The Chancellor explained to Senate that the Vice-Chancellor had acted properly under delegated authority in managing the review of Archaeology and the necessary follow-up action. However, in the light of intense media interest and speculation it had become clear that as the Governing Body of the university, Senate needed to be reassured that proper processes had been followed and that action subsequently taken was appropriate. It could no longer be assumed that Dr Rindos would be petitioning the Visitor as he had stated publicly on a number of occasions.
The Chancellor proposed that a committee should be established to carry out this brief. In the debate which followed it was suggested that the public perception of the establishment of such a committee might be that Senate was concerned that there had been mismanagement of the processes and subsequent action. It was made clear by a number of members however, that in supporting the proposal they would not be questioning these matters, but demonstrating proper concern as Senators that the outcomes of the processes were fair and reasonable, and that students now in the University had access to avenues through which their concerns could be effectively dealt with.
The Chancellor stressed that the recommendation was made with the full support of the Vice-Chancellor. The need for an early resolution of the present speculation was recognised.
It was therefore, RESOLVED -
1. that a committee be appointed with the following terms of reference:
1.1 to examine the evidence before the committee established in 1991 to review the Department of Archaeology together with the findings and recommendations of the committee, and the action taken in response to its recommendations;
1.2 to examine the reasons for the recommendation that Dr Rindos not be granted tenure, and the processes involved in not granting him tenure;
1.3 to report to Senate on these matters, and in each case to report on the adequacy of University processes presently in place;
2. that the above terms of reference should not be regarded as restrictive, but that further terms may be added at the committee's discretion to enable it to report on all matters relevant to its inquiry;
3. that the committee should have full access to independent legal and other advice;
4. that the committee should set its own time scale but report regularly to Senate on its progress;
5. that the committee should comprise:
Mr I Barrett-Lennard (convenor)
Dr J Gill
Mrs J Jones
The Hon Justice Nicholson.