From jaed@BEST.COMThu May 30 10:48:38 1996
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 13:01:27 -0700
From: "Jeanne A. E. DeVoto"
Subject: University threatening people over links

>From - does anyone have more information on this situation?

(The key passage in the threatening letter this person received appears to be: "By publishing the address of the web site, you have both drawn the attention of others to it and have provided the means by which the defamatory material posted on the site may be viewed. That constitutes a re-publication of the defamation." Is this the usual understanding of republication? If a magazine, say, printed the name of a book that contained defamatory material, would the magazine be liable as a republisher?)

> From: (Daniel Yee)
Subject: University threatening people over links
> Date: 29 May 1996 12:30:45 +1000
> Organization: Basser Dept of Computer Science, Uni of Sydney, Australia