Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 15:45:43 +0800
From: Kerrin Pine
Subject: I have linked to the Rindos web site

Dear University of Western Australia Vice-Chancellor,

This brief letter is to inform you that I have coded a link to into my personal home page, and that soon you will see many other people doing so.

Normally I would not involve myself in such an issue, but I hold your actions of censoring the free speech of members of the UWA community as highly ridiculous, and unethical for an academic institution.

These comments are my own, and not necessarily the official opinion of Electronic Frontiers Australia.


Kerrin Pine

Kerrin Pine (
Electronic Frontiers Australia Board member & Volunteer Co-ordinator PGP, EFA & contact info is on my WWW home page
Only 2 replies to go.. bear with me folks, almost caught up on my email!