From: (Daniel Yee)
Newsgroups: aus.politics,,
Subject: another precedent? Uni of WA to sue US web site!
Date: 13 May 1996 11:02:39 +1000

Some of you may remember Rindos vs Hardwick, the first Australian defamation case based on Usenet posts. Well, it looks like Dr Rindos' long-running case (for unfair dismissal) against the University of Western Australia has them running scared. They're now threatening to sue *him* for defamation based on the contents of a Web site.

The URL for the site is
-- visit it before the lawyers censor it!

Danny Yee.

Excerpts from The Sunday Times [Perth], 12 May 1996

} The University of WA has begun legal action against an
} Internet Web site produced by an academic at the
} prestigious University of Buffalo in New York State.

} Sources said UWA's lawyers also had warned the Australian
} Broadcasting Corporation about publicising the Web site.

} "The site contains material which is defamatory of the
} Vice-Chancellor of this University and several of its
} academic and administrative staff.

} "The University has taken steps against the administrators
} of the site."