The PostGraduate Student Association

PSA committee minutes, 3-4-96

Present: Ken Taylor (Chairman), Sandra Carrivick, Steve Woods Sasha Nikolovski (minutes), Kathi Leicester, Kenneth Leong, Brian Ward, Jean Chetkovich, Chantal Bourgault, Helen Vella Bonevita, Sandra Fidalgo, Delphine McFarlane

Apologies: Eugene Mattes, Bill Bowman, Christine Davies

By Invitation: Cheryl Praeger, Michael Hamblin, Brian from ECEL, (Equal Opportunities Rep from Last Year)

The new PSA committee met Cheryl Praeger, Dean of Post-Graduate Research. Cheryl spoke at length about the Grievance Report and the interaction that she request from the PSA, which includes suggestions of ways in which we can help her in this new position and ways in which she can help us. Finally Cheryl also expressed concern about the quality of the post-graduates students in the university and mentioned that we might not necessarily be getting the best students staying on to do post-graduate research, therefore the Scholarships will be awarded to the middle of the range students as opposed to the top students, and said that we should find ways to attract top students to stay on at U.W.A.

Planning of the coming years activities. Ken suggested that we continue to have the Sports Week which was very successful last year. The sports week involves Departments playing each other in a number of games in a very casual and relaxed manner. There were no volunteers at this stage. We also mentioned a number of BBQs planned for the year but more detail will follow.

Jean mentioned that some post-graduate students may not have the computer knowledge they want or that some may need when they first start their post-graduate course, therefore it was suggested by Jean that we organise a learning computer programs type seminar(s) for post-grads. Suggestions came strong and fast. This is a summary.

  1. Ken and Jean to organise seminars
  2. Ask Winthrop Technology to put on a seminar/workshop (might not oblige seeing as they run pay seminars)
  3. Ask Faculty Reps to find out what programs their Faculties use and decide what programs we need to help with
  4. First seminar can be on How to Use Microsoft Office/Works or on the basics of Widows and Macintosh System 7.X
    More to come, next meeting...

Sandra (VP) suggested a seminar(s) on the Mystery of Being a Ph.D. Student at the U.W.A. should be organised. Topic can include:

It was later suggested by Sandra that she would write an article in the newsletter about some of the above items.

The PSA puts out a newsletter about 4 times per year, organised by the Vice-President and the Secretary. The committee is hoping to get the first one out after the next PSA meeting. Suggestions for articles:

Sandra (VP)Starting in the University - what are post-grads entitled to
HelenThings I wish Id done first
BrianOverseas students at UWA
ChantalAdvertising of the Arts Newsletter (LIMINA)
DelphineSupervision Awards
KenBudget for Post-Grads
KenRindos Case
KathiWhos who in the Post-Grad world
ANDReports from the various committees that PSA members sit on.

The following people have been selected to fill the various committee positions:

Senate (observer)Ken Taylor (President)
Academic BoardChantal Bourgault (Committee Member)
Board of Post-Graduate Research StudiesKathi Leicester (Science Faculty Rep.)
Teaching and LearningJean Chetkovich (Committee Member)
Research CommitteeSasha Nikolovski (Secretary)
Student Support Advisory CommitteeSandra Fidalgo (Committee Member)
LibraryBrian Ward (Arts Faculty Rep.)
Equal Opportunity CommitteeHelen Vella Bonevita (Committee Member)

The PSA Rindos Submission had already been submitted to the University, therefore the suggested changes made by Eugene would not take effect (Chantal mentioned that the changes made by Eugene improved the Submission). The PSA must decide on the degree of involvement in the Rindos case. Sasha suggested that the PSA does not get involved in the politics of the case and only look to protect the interest of the students. The PSA has previously been criticised for playing a low key in the issue until now.

There was no incoming correspondence and no nominees have been put forward for the vacant position for the CAPA Vice-presidency.

It is up to the committee to decide how the social and seminar funds are to be spent. The committee approved a request for $200 (10 meetings at $20, for the year) from Tony Hughes-dAeth ( Ph.D. Student, Dept English) for organising seminars in Australian Literature, to be held in the PSA lounge on the last Friday of every month. Tony will present receipts after each meeting and be reimbursed by cheque.

The next PSA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, 1st of May, at 4:30pm in the PSA lounge.

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