Science, Technology & Society, University of Wollongong

STS390, Media, war and peace, 2007

This is a selection of outstanding project reports from this class. Each report consists of a brief and dialogue. Some dialogues are joint for two or three students.


Abby Witenden on Rwanda and genocide: brief and joint dialogue with Amy and Charlotte

Amanda Madruga on Darfur and positive peace

Amy Coleman on Rwanda and genocide: brief and joint dialogue with Abby and Charlotte

Ben Morgan on the Cronulla riots and peace journalism

Charlotte Connor on Rwanda and genocide: brief and joint dialogue with Abby and Amy

Jenny Stevenson on the Iraq war and backfire

Justine Hinwood and Spencer Reynolds on Abu Ghraib and torture: dossier and dialogue

Justine Hinwood and Spencer Reynolds on Abu Ghraib and torture: slide show

Rachael Brown on Indigenous Australians and reconciliation

Stacey Lowcock on Burma and nonviolence

Go to Brian Martin's classes.