Whistleblowing - International Bibliography

This Bibliography was created by:

Dr. William De Maria
The University of Queensland
Qld 4072
email: B.DeMaria@GSM.UQ.EDU.AU

You are invited to attribute this reference list:

DE MARIA, W. [1995], Whistleblower Bibliography (Web), University of Queensland, 1993-(ongoing).

Last addition 25 August 1995. There is no updated list available on the web.

The Bibliography is assembled into the following areas:


This bibliography is located on the

Suppression of dissent website

in the section on Documents

General References to Whistleblowing

ABRAMS, A.L., "Whistleblowers", Business and Economic Review, 39 (2), January-March 1993, pp.28-30.

ADANK, F., "The Wrong Kind of Hush", The Bulletin, 29 December 1992 - 5 January 1993, p.23.

ADLER, J.N. and DANIELS, M., "Managing the Whistleblowing Employee", The Labor Lawyer, Vol.8, Winter 1992, p.19-70.

ALCORN, G., "Whistleblowers: Doctor Fallout", Time Australia, 29 November 1993, pp.54-55.

ALLARS, M., "Whistleblowing: Where Public Interest Parts Company with Government Interest", paper presented to Royal Institute of Public Administration Australia (NSW Division) seminar, "Blowing the Whistle", Sydney, 1 September 1992.

ANDERSON, J., "Fitzgerald Vendetta: Another Chapter", Washington Post, 1 November 1980.

"Apology: Criminal Justice Commission", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 26 September 1993, p.4.

ARANTZ, P., A Collusion of Powers, Arantz Publishing, Dunedoo NSW, 1993.

ARNOLD, D.F.(Snr.) & PONEMON, L.A., "Internal Auditors' Perceptions of Whistle-Blowing and the Influence of Moral Reasoning: An Experiment", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 10 (2), Fall 1991, pp.1-15.

ARON, M.W., "Whistleblowers, Insubordination, and Employee Rights of Free Speech", Labor Law Journal, Vol.43, April 1992, pp.211-20.

ASBRAND, D., "The Whistle Blower's Burden: Public Approval, Corporate Exile", EDN, 32(1), 8 January 1987, pp.296-298.

"ASC Officials Found Guilty of Contempt", Watchdog Reporter, August 1993, p.4.

ASSOCIATION OF FOREST SERVICE EMPLOYEES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT, Protecting Integrity and Ethics Report (Proceedings of a Conference for Government Employees of Environmental, Wildlife and Natural Resources Agencies), Association of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics, Eugene OR, 1992.

ASHWORTH, S., "Law: Help For The Whistleblower", Lloyd's List.

ATKINS, C.A., "The Whistleblower Exception to the At-will Employment Doctrine: An Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy Enforcement", Denver University Law Review, Vol.70, 1993, pp.537-55.

AUSTRALIAN PRESS COUNCIL, "Submission to the New South Wales Parliament Legislation Committee on the Whistleblowers Protection Bill 1992 (No.2)", Australian Press Council News, 5(2), May 1993, 21.

BADHWAR, I., "Merit System Policeman Accused of Copping Out", Federal Times, 20 October 1980.

BAKER, M., "Employer Response to Professional Complaints and Alarms: Can Corporate Scientists and Engineers Speak Out?", paper presented to the annual meeting of the Institute for Chemists, Atlantic City NJ, May 1983.

BARAN, A., "Federal Employment: The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978: Removing Incompetents and Protecting Whistle Blowers", Wayne Law Review, 26, 1979, pp.97-118.

BARCIA, J.A., "Update on Michigan's Whistleblowers' Protection Act", Detroit College of Law Review, Spring 1988, pp.1-8.

BARLAS, S., "Whistleblower Awards Program Resuscitated", Internal Auditor, December 1992 p.10.

BARLAS, S., "Whistleblower Bill Likely to Move Quickly", Internal Auditor, 50(1), February 1993 pp.10-11.

BARLAS, S., "Whistleblower Protection Criticized", Internal Auditor, 50, June 1993 p.11.

BARNETT, D., "Grassing on a Fellow Employee", New Law Journal, Vol. 144, No. 6648, 20 May 1994, pp. 685-686.

BARNETT, T., "Overview of State Whistleblower Protection Statutes", Labor Law Journal, Vol.43, July 1992, pp.440-8.

BARNETT, T.R, "Why Your Company Should Have a Whistleblowing Policy", SAM Advanced Management Journal, 57 (4), Autumn 1992, pp.27-42.

BARNETT, T.R., "Will Your Employees Blow the Whistle?", HR Magazine, 37 (7), July 1992, pp.76-78.

BARNETT, T.R., "A Preliminary Investigation of the Relationship Between Selected Organizational Characteristics and External Whistleblowing by Employees", Journal of Business Ethics, 11 (12), December 1992, pp.949-959.

BARNETT, T.R. & COCHRAN, D.S., "Making Room for the Whistleblower", HR Magazine, 36 (4), January 1991, pp.58-61.

BARNETT, T.R., COCHRAN, D.S., TAYLOR, G.S., The Relationship between Internal Dissent Policies and Employee Whistleblowing: An Exploratory Study, paper presented to 50th annual meeting of the Academy of Management, San Francisco, 1990.

BARNETT, T.R., COCHRAN, D.S., TAYLOR, G.S., "The Internal Disclosure Policies of Private-Sector Employers: An Initial Look at their Relationship to Employee Whistleblowing", Journal of Business Ethics, 12 (2), February 1993, pp.127-136.

BARNETT, T.R., COCHRAN, L., "Making Room for the Whistleblower", Human Resources Magazine, No. 58., 1991.

BARRETT, M., "Whistleblowing and Quality Management", paper presented to Criminal Justice Commission/Royal Institute of Public Administration (Queensland Division) seminar, "Whistleblowers: Concerned Citizens or Disloyal Mates?", Brisbane, 23 November 1993.

BEARDSHAW, V., Conscientious Objectors at Work: Mental Health Workers - A Case Study, Social Audit, London, 1981.

BEDAU, H., Civil Disobedience: Theory and Practice, Pegasus, New York, 1969.

BENSON, G.C.S., "Codes of Ethics, Whistleblowing and Managerial Auditing", Managerial Auditing Journal, 7, 1992, pp.37-40.

BEYER, J.M., "Ethical Dissent in a New Mode: The Whistleblowers. Exposing Corruption in Government and Industry. Myron Peretz Glazer and Penina Migdal Glazer. Basic Books, New York, 1989, xvi, 286 pp. $19.95.", Science, 244, 19 May 1989, pp.835-836.

BINGHAM, M. "Criminal Justice Commission: Performance Report" in Hede, A., Prasser, S. & Neylan, M. (eds.), Keeping Them Honest: Democratic Reform in Queensland, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1992, pp.99-109.

BITA, N., "Dobbers to be Repaid in Booty", The Australian, 6 June 1992, p.3.

BLACKBURN, J.T., A Comparison of Statutory Protections of Public and Private Sector Whistle- blowers, unpublished working paper, College of Administrative Sciences, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, 1984.

BLACKBURN, M.S., "Employee Dissent: The Choice of Voice Versus Silence", Dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN, August 1988.

BLADES, "Employment at Will vs. Individual Freedom: On Limiting the Abuse of Employer Power", Columbia Law Review, 67, 1967, pp.1404, 1416-1421.

BLUMBERG, "Corporate Responsibility and the Employee's Duty of Loyalty and Obedience: A Preliminary Inquiry", Oklahoma Law Journal, 24, 1971, pp.279, 297.

BLUMENFELD, K., "Dilemmas of Disclosure: Ethical Issues in Environmental Auditing", Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 8 (3), 1989, pp.5-28.

BOGEN, K.T., Whistle-blowing by Technical Experts, unpublished thesis, Princeton University, 1978.

BOK, S., Secrets: On the Ethics of Concealment and Revelation, Pantheon Books, New York, 1982.

BOK, S., "Blowing the Whistle", in J. Fleishman (ed), Public Duties: The Moral Obligations of Government Officials, Harvard University Press, Cambridge CN, 1981, pp.204-220.

BOK, S., "Whistleblowing and Professional Responsibility", New York University Education Quarterly, 10, Summer 1980, pp.2-10.

BOWIE, N., "Blowing the Whistle and Other `Why be Moral Questions?'", Business Ethics, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ, 1982, pp.138-149.

BOWMAN, J.S., ELLISTON, F.A., & LOCKHART, P., Professional Dissent: An Annotated Bibliography and Research Guide, Garland, New York, 1983.

BOWMAN, J.S., "Whistle Blowing in the Public Sector: An Overview of the Issues", in Review of Public Personnel Administration, 1:1 (Fall, 1980).

BOWMAN, J.S., Managerial Ethics: Whistleblowing in Organizations: An Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide, Garland Publishing, Inc, New York, 1982.

BOWMAN, J.S., "Whistle Blowing in the Public Sector: An Overview of the Issues", in Richter, W.W., Burke, F., and Doig, J.W. (eds.), Combatting Corruption/Encouraging Ethics: A Sourcebook for Public Service Ethics, American Society for Public Administration, Washington, DC., 1990.

BOYLE, R.D., "A Review of Whistleblower Protections and Suggestions for Change", Labor Law Journal, Vol.41, No.12, 1990.

BRABECK, M., "Ethical Characteristics of Whistle-blowers", Journal of Research in Personality, 18 (1), 1984, pp.41-53.

BRAITHWAITE, J., GRABOSKY, P. & RICKWOOD, D., "Research Note: Corruption Allegations and Australian Business Regulation", Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 19, 1986, pp.176-186.

BRIEF, A.P. & MOTOWIDLO, S., "Prosocial Organizational Behaviours", Academy of Management Review, 11 (4), 1986, pp.710-725.

BRODY, L., "Listen to Your Whistleblower", Fortune, No. 48, 1986.

BROOKS, L.J., "Whistleblowers...Learn to Love Them", Canadian Business Review, Summer 1993.

BROWN, D. & McKENNA, B., "Protecting 'Whistleblowers' From Victimisation", Solicitors Journal, 9 October 1992.

BRUNDRETT, R., "Hell for Man Who Said `No' to the Drug Runners", Melbourne Sunday Press, 19 May 1988.

BRUNDRETT, R., "Mick Gets a Hot Response", Melbourne Sunday Press, 10 July 1988.

BULLOCK, J.R., "The Pebble in the Shoe: Making the Case for the Government Employee", Tennessee Law Review, Vol.60, Winter 1993, pp.365-92.

CAIDEN, G.E. & TRUELSON, J.A., "Whistleblower Protection in the USA: Lessons Learnt and to be Learnt", Australian Journal of Public Administration, 47 (2), June 1988, p.119-129.

CALLAHAN, E.S., "Employment at Will: The Relationship Between Societal Expectations and the Law", American Business Law Journal, 28, 1990, p.455.

CALLAHAN, E.S. & COLLINS, J.W., "Employee Attitudes Toward Whistleblowing: Management and Public Policy Implications" Journal of Business Ethics, 11 (12), December 1992, pp.939-948.

CALLAHAN, E.S. and DWORKIN, T.M., "Do Good and Get Rich: Financial Incentives for Whistleblowing and the False Claims Act", Villanova Law Review, Vol.37, 1992, pp.273-336.

CAMPBELL, E., "Appearance of Public Servants as Witnesses before Parliamentary Committees", in J.R. Nethercote (ed.), Parliament and Bureaucracy, Hale & Iremonger, Sydney, 1982, pp. 179-226.

CAMPBELL, R., "Government Corruption: Who Dares Blow the Whistle?", BLAST, No.22, Winter 1993, pp.6-8.

CAREW, W.E., "Views on Professional Practice and Ethics", Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering, 110 (2), 1984, pp.70-73.

CARLSON, P., "A. Ernest Fitzgerald: His Commitment to Cutting Costs Has Made Him No.1 on the Pentagon's Hate List", People, 9 December 1985, pp.77-81.

"Carrara a Fire Risk: Watchdog", Gold Coast Bulletin, 31 July 1993.

CARTER, W.J. (see Commission of Inquiry)

CATON, H., "Truth Management in the Sciences", Search, 19 (5/6), September/November 1988, pp.242-244.

CAUSEY, M., "VA Whistle Blowers Win Transfer Stays", Washington Post, 8 April 1980.

CAUTE, D., The Espionage of the Saints, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1986.

CHALK, R., "Making the World Safe for Whistleblowers", Technology Review, 91, January 1988, pp.48-57.

CHALK, R. & VON HIPPEL, F., "Dissent in Corporate America", Civil Liberties Review, September/October 1978.

CHALK, R. & VON HIPPEL, F., "Due Process for Dissenting Whistle-blowers: Dealing with Technical Dissent in the Organization", Technology Review, 81, June/July 1989, pp.48-55.

CHARLTON, P., "CJC Seeks Power to Muzzle People Who Complain", Courier-Mail, 23 July 1992, p.7.

CHRISTIANSEN, J.P., "A Remedy for the Discharge of Professional Employees Who Refuse to Perform Unethical or Illegal Acts: A Proposal in Aid of Professional Ethics", Vanderbilt Law Review, 28, 1975, pp.805-841.

"Citizen Prosecutors", National Journal, 18 August 1990, 2006.

"CJC Slaps USQ on Staff Controls", Courier-Mail, 15 April 1993, p.5.

CLARK, D., "The Implementation of Whistleblower Protection Legislation: Problems and Prospects in the South Australian Case", paper presented to Criminal Justice Commission/Royal Institute of Public Administration (Queensland Division) seminar, "Whistleblowers: Concerned Citizens or Disloyal Mates?", Brisbane, 23 November 1993.

CLARK, D., "Whistleblowing: Theory and Practice", Australian Institute of Administrative Law Newsletter, 14, 1993, pp.22-32.

CLARK, L., "The Sound of Professional Suicide", Barrister, Summer 1978, pp.10-19.

CLARK, L., Blowing the Whistle: Public Service, Private Agony, Beacon Press, Boston, forthcoming.

CLARK, L. & DEVINE, T., "To Protect the Whistleblowers", Washington Star, 6 May 1980.

CLARK, R. (ed.), "Scientists as Whistle Blowers: A Report of the AAAS Committee on Scientific Freedom and Responsibility", American Association for Advancement of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1981

CLIFT, E., "Women Whistleblowers: What They Say, The Price They Pay", On the Issues, Vol.25, Winter 1992, pp.18-21.

"Code for Whistleblowing Urged", Personnel Management Plus, 4(6), June 1993, p.8.

COFFEE, J., "Beyond the Shut-eyed Sentry: Toward a Theoretical View of Corporate Misconduct and an Effective Legal Response", Virginia Law Review, 63, 1977, pp.1100-1278.

COHEN, C., Civil Disobedience, Conscience, Tactics and the Law, Columbia University Press, New York, 1971.

COLLINS, C., "Call for Privacy Laws to Control Crime Watchdog", The Australian, 27 September 1993.

COLLINS, H., Justice in Dismissal, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992.

COMCARE AUSTRALIA (Commission for Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation of Commonwealth Employees), Quality of Working Life Project: A Study of Occupational Stress in Commonwealth Government Agencies, unpublished report, December 1992.



COMMONWEALTH CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW COMMITTEE (H.T. Gibbs, Chairman), Final Report, PP No.371 of 1991, Canberra, December 1991.

CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY INC., "Congress Moves to Buttress Aid to Whistleblowers", Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, 28 October 1989, p.2859.

CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY INC., "Whistleblower Protection Program Questioned", Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, 3 November 1984, p.2872.

CONROY, D., "An Assessment of the Electoral and Administrative Review Commission" in Hede, A., Prasser, S. & Neylan, M. (eds.), Keeping Them Honest: Democratic Reform in Queensland, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1992, pp.215-227.

CONWAY, J., "Protecting the Private Sector At Will Employee Who `Blows the Whistle': A Cause of Action Based Upon Determinants of Public Policy", Wisconsin Law Review, 77, 1977, pp.777-812.

COOK, D.D., "Whistleblowers: Friend or Foe", Industry Week, 211, 5 October 1981, pp.51-56.

COOPER, J. and GREENE, D., "Whistleblowers", Solicitors Journal, 20 November 1992.

CORBETT, D., Australian Public Sector Management, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1992, pp.218-219.

COULTER, J., "Intellectual Suppression", paper presented to Tasmanian Council of Social Service Symposium, "Information, Freedom, Democracy", Hobart, 21 November 1992.

COURTEMANCHE, G., "The Ethics of Whistle Blowing", Internal Auditor, February 1988, pp.36-41.

CREDSON, J.M., "Former FBI Agent Tells Investigators of Widespread Abuse and Corruption", New York Times, 20 January 1979, p.8.

CRIBB, J., "Committed to Truth", The Australian, 8 September 1993, p.11.

CRIPPS, Y., "Employees' Disclosures and the Public Interest: An Analysis of Prohibitions and Protections (University of Cambridge, 1982).

CRIPPS, Y., "Disclosure in the Public Interest: The Predicament of the Public Sector Employee", Public Law, 1983, pp.600-633.

CRIPPS, Y., "Protection from Adverse Treatment by Employers: A Review of the Position of Employees Who Disclose in the Belief that Disclosure is in the Public Interest", Law Quarterly Review, 101, October 1985, pp.506-539.

CRIPPS, Y., The Legal Implications of Disclosure in the Public Interest: An Analysis of Prohibitions and Protections with Particular Reference to Employers and Employees, 1986, ESC Publishing, Oxford.

CROFTS, P., "New Body on Whistleblowing", Personnel Management Plus, 4(6), June 1993, p.1.

CULLITON, B.J., "Credit for Whistle-Blower Vanishes", Science, 244, 12 May 1989, p.643.

CULLITON, B.J., "The Dingell Probe Finally Goes Public", Science, 244, 12 May 1989, pp.643-646.

CUNLIFFE, Ian, "Heroes or Villains: Balancing the Risk", Directions in Government, Vol.6, June 1992, pp.18-19.

CURTIN, L., Ethical Issues in Nursing and Nursing Education, National League for Nursing, New York, 1980.

DANDEKAR, N., Whistleblowing and Other Ethical Issues for Women Engineers, New England Society of Women Engineers, Boston University, Boston, 1986.

DANDEKAR, N., "Contrasting Consequences: Bringing Charges of Sexual Harassment Compared with Other Cases of Whistleblowing", Journal of Business Ethics, 9, 1990, pp.151-158.

DAVIDOW, B. and WILLIAMS, J., "Enhancing the Ethical Culture: the Approach Adopted by the Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales", (1993) 52 Australian Journal of Public Administration 376.

DAVIS, M., "Avoiding the Tragedy of Whistleblowing", Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 8 (4), 1989, pp.3-20.

DAWSON, J., KANDELA, P., KING, K., MEIJMAN, F., NYLENNA, M. & SHARP, D., "Peers Reviewed", European Science Editing, 38, September 1989, pp.6-8.

DE GEORGE, R., Business Ethics, Macmillan, New York, 1981.

DE GEORGE, R., "Whistleblowing: Permitted, Prohibited, Required", in F.A. Elliston (ed.), Conflicting Loyalties in the Workplace, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, 1985.

DE MARIA, W., "Public Disclosure Laws in Australia and New Zealand: Who Are They Really Protecting?", Department of Social Work & Social Policy, The University of Queensland, unpub. ms.

DE MARIA, W., "Queensland Whistleblowing: Sterilising the Lone Crusader", Australian Journal of Social Issues, 27 (4), November 1992, pp.248-261.

DE MARIA, W., "The Queensland Whistleblower: A Harassed Hero?", paper presented to United Scientists for Environmental Responsibility and Protection meeting, Brisbane, 16 March 1993.

DE MARIA, W., "Beyond the Harassed Hero: From Dissenting Individuals to Dissenting Cultures", paper presented to Whistleblowers Anonymous Australian Conference, Canberra, 28 March 1993.

DE MARIA, W., "The Welfare Whistleblower: In Praise of Difficult People", paper presented to the 23rd National Conference of the Australian Association of Social Workers, Newcastle NSW, September 1993.

DE MARIA, W., Whistleblower Bibliography, University of Queensland, 1993 (ongoing).

DE MARIA, W., The Queensland Whistleblower: Chipping Away at the Ethical Enamel. Paper presented to First National Conference, Australian Association for Applied and Professional ethics, Adelaide, 23-24 April 1994.

DE MARIA, W., Whistleblowing and Unions: From Public Promise to Private Betrayal. Paper presented to Public Sector Union Conference, Hobart 16 May 1994.

DE MARIA, W., The Community Sector Whistleblower: Dismantling the Lone Crusader. Paper presented to Third Human Services Conference, Tasmania Council of Social Service, 17 May 1994.

DE MARIA, W., Beyond the Harassed Hero: The Limits of Whistleblowing and the Rise of the Dissenting Workplace. Paper given to 1993 Annual Conference, Australian Association of Social Work, Newcastle, September.

DE MARIA, W., Whistleblowing in the Queensland Public Service. Paper presented to Symposium, "Social Responsibility in Science", Ecopolitics VII Conference, Griffith University, July 1993.

DE MARIA, W., Queensland Whistleblowers: Fugitives from Injustice. Paper presented to Annual Conference of the Royal Institute of Public Administration (Queensland Branch), Brisbane, 14 October 1994.

DE MARIA, W. & JAN, C., "Eating Its Own: The Whistleblowers Organization in Vendetta Mode", Department of Social Work & Social Policy, The University of Queensland, unpub. ms.

DE MARIA, W. & JAN, C., "Behold the Shut-Eyed Sentry: Whistleblower Perspectives on Government Failure to Correct Wrongdoing", Crime, Law and Deviance (forthcoming).

DE MARIA, W. & KEYES, T., "Blaming the Circuit Breaker: Early Messages from the Queensland Whistleblower Study", paper presented to research seminar, Department of Social Work and Social Policy, University of Queensland, Brisbane, 4 June 1993.

DE MARIA, W., "Quarantining Dissent: The Queensland Public Sector Ethics Movement", Australian Journal of Public Administration (forthcoming).

DE MARIA, W., Unshielding the Shadow Culture, Queensland Whistleblower Study, Department of Social Work & Social Policy, The University of Queensland, Result Release One, April 1994.

DE MARIA, W., Wounded Workers, Queensland Whistleblower Study, Department of Social Work & Social Policy, The University of Queensland, Result Release Two, August 1994.

DE MARIA, W., Whistleblowing & the Law: An International Sourcebook, Queensland Whistleblower Study, Department of Social Work & Social Policy, The University of Queensland, Result Release Three (forthcoming).

DEVINE, T.M. & APLIN, D.G., "Abuse of Authority: The Office of the Special Counsel and Whistleblower Protection", Antioch Law Journal, Vol.4, Summer 1986, pp.5-71.

DEVINE, T.M. & APLIN, D.G., "Whistleblower Protection: The Gap Between the Law and Reality", Howard Law Journal, Vol.31, 1988, pp.223-39.

DEVINE, T., "A Whistleblowers Checklist", Chemical Engineering, 98 (11), November 1991, pp.207-281.

DEWRY, G., "The Ponting Case: Leaking in the Public Interest", Public Law, 1985, pp.203-212.

"Dobbers' Hotline", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 21 March 1993 p.24.

"Dos and Don'ts for Whistleblowers: Planning for Trouble", Technology Review 82, May 1980.

DOZIER, J.B. "Is Whistle-Blowing Helping Behaviour?: A Laboratory Study of Team Members' Reporting of an Unethical Team Leader", Dissertation, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, 1988.

DOZIER, J.B. & MICELI, M.P., "Whistle-blowing as Prosocial Behaviour: A Review of Potential Predictors", Working paper 84-8, College of Administrative Science, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, 1984.

DOZIER, J.B. & MICELI, M.P., "Potential Predictors of Whistle-Blowing: A Prosocial Behaviour Perspective", Academy of Management Review, 10 (4), 1985, pp.823-836.

DRUMMOND, J. & BAIN, B. (eds) Managing Business Ethics, Butterworth Heinemann, London.

DUDAR, H., "The Price of Blowing the Whistle", New York Times Magazine, 30 October 1977, pp.41-54.

DUNNE, D., "Push for Protection", Courier-Mail, 6 November 1993, p.22.

DUSKA, R., "Whistleblowing and Employee Loyalty", in Desjardins, J.R. & McCall, J.J., Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont CA, 1985, pp.295-300.

DWORKIN, T. & CALLAHAN, E., "Internal Whistleblowing: Protecting the Interests of the Employee, the Organization, and Society", American Business Law Journal, 29 (2), Summer 1991, pp.267-308.

DWORKIN, T. & CALLAHAN, E., "Employee Disclosures to the Media: When is a "Source" a "Sourcerer"?", Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal, Vol.15, Winter 1993, pp.357-97.

DWORKIN, T.M. & NEAR, J.P., "Whistleblowing Statutes: Are They Working?", American Business Law Journal, Vol.25, Summer 1987, pp.241-64.

DWORKIN, T.M. & NEAR, J.P., "Whistleblower Statutes and Reality: Is There A Need for Realignment?", Proc.Pac.S.W.Bus.L.A., 73, 1990.

EDITORIAL, Legal Service Bulletin, 16 (2), April 1991, p.52.

EDITORIAL, "Blowing Whistles", Courier-Mail, 4 December 1991.

EDITORIAL, "An Era of Whistleblowing", Gold Coast Bulletin, 22 July 1993.

EDITORIAL, "For Whom The Whistle Blows", The Independent, 28 April 1992.

EDITORIAL, "Medusa Gag", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 19 September 1993, p.56.

EDITORIAL, "No Secrets", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 29 August 1993, p.68.

EDITORS, "Note: Government Employee Disclosures of Agency Wrongdoing", University of Chicago Law Review, 42, 1975, p.530.

EGLER, T. & EDWARDS, E.L., "Retaliating Against the Whistleblower", Risk Management, 39 (8), August 1992, pp.24-32.

ELECTORAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW COMMISSION (QLD), Issues Paper No. 10: Protection of Whistleblowers, Electoral and Administrative Review Commission, Brisbane, December 1990.

ELECTORAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW COMMISSION (QLD), Report on Protection of Whistleblowers, Electoral and Administrative Review Commission, Brisbane, 29 October 1991.

ELECTORAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW COMMISSION (QLD), Report on Review of Codes of Conduct for Public Officials, Electoral and Administrative Review Commission, Brisbane, May 1992.

ELLISTON, F.A., "Anonymous Whistleblowing: An Ethical Analysis", Business and Professional Ethics Journal, Winter 1982, pp.39-58.

ELLISTON, F.A., "Civil Disobedience and Whistleblowing: A Comparative Appraisal of Two Forms of Dissent", Journal of Business Ethics, 1, 1982, pp.23-28.

ELLISTON, F.A., "Anonymity and Whistleblowing", Journal of Business Ethics, 1, 1982, pp.167-177.

ELLISTON, F.A. (ed.), Conflicting Loyalties in the Workplace, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, 1985.

ELLISTON, F., KEENAN, J., LOCKHART, P. & VAN SCHAICK, J., Whistleblowing: Managing Dissent in the Workplace, Praeger, New York, 1985.

ELLISTON, F. KEENAN, J., LOCKHART, P. & VAN SCHAICK, J., Whistleblowing Research: Methodological and Moral Issues, Praeger, New York, 1985.

EWING, D.W., Freedom Inside the Organization: Bringing Civil Liberties to the Workplace, E.P. Dutton, New York, 1977.

EWING, D., "The Employee's Right to Speak Out: The Management Perspective", Civil Liberties Review, September-October, 1978, pp.10-15.

EWING, D.W., 'Dissent in the Corporate World: When Does an Employee Have the Right to Speak Out?' Civil Liberties Review, Special Issue, September/October 1978, Volume 5, No. 3, at 6.

EWING, D.W., "How Bureaucrats Deal with Dissidents", in W.C. Hamner (ed.), Organization Shock, Wiley, New York, 1980, pp.328-331.

"Ex-director in Search of Job", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 7 February 1993.

FAGAN, D., "Cabinet Attacked on Secrecy", Courier-Mail, 6 July 1993. p.3.

FAGAN, D., "Court Secures Whistleblower's Job", The Australian, 23 November 1993, p.6.

FAGAN, D., "Union `Forced Cover-up of Patient Abuse'", The Australian, 14 December 1993, p.5.

FAGAN, D., "Whistleblowers `Punished'", The Australian, 5 November 1993, p.5.

FEERICK, J.D., "Toward a Model Whistleblowing Law", Fordham Urban Law Journal, Vol.19, Spring 1992, pp.585-97.

FELIU, A.G., "Discharge of Professional Employees: Protecting Against Dismissal for Acts Within a Professional Code of Ethics", Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 11, 1979-1980, pp.149-187.

FIDELL, E.R., "Federal Protection of Private Sector Health and Safety Whistleblowers", Administrative Law Journal, Vol.2, Spring 1988, p.1-38.

FIELD, A., "Why Whistle for Honesty in a Soundproof Room?", Courier-Mail, 15 July 1992.

FIESTA, J., "Whistleblowers: Heroes or Stool Pigeons? - Part I", Nursing Management, 21 (6), June 1990, pp.16-17.

FIESTA, J., "Whistleblowers: Retaliation or Protection? - Part II", Nursing Management, 21 (7), 1990, p.38.

FIFE-YEOMANS, J., "Former Minister Slams Police Corruption", The Weekend Australian, 25-26 September 1993, p.15.

FINN, P., "Confidentiality and the Public Interest", Australian Law Journal, 58, 1984, p.497.

FINN, P., "Whistleblowing", Canberra Bulletin of Public Administration, 66, October 1991, pp.169-171.

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VOGEL, R.L., "Deterrent Effects of `Whistleblower' Lawsuits Justify False Claims Act", Aviation Week & Space Technology, 135 (18), 4 November 1991, pp.73-74.

WALTERS, K.D., "Your Employee's Right to Blow the Whistle", Harvard Business Review, 53 (4), 1975, pp.26-34, 161-162.

WATERFORD, J., "Cheque Mate: Secret Deals Buy Silence", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 29 August 1993, p.67. WATSON, K.F., "Termination of Employment: Unfair Dismissal", paper presented to Queensland Law Society Inc. seminar, Termination of Employment: Unfair Dismissal, Brisbane, 6 August 1991.

WEBBER, R., "Whistleblowing", Executive Excellence, 6 (7), July 1989, pp.9-10.

WEIL, V., Beyond Whistleblowing: Defining Engineers' Responsibilities, Center for the Study of Ethics in Professions, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, 1983.

WEIDBERG, L.P., "Whistleblower Protection Under the Civil Service Reform Act", Federal Bar News and Journal, Vol.30, pp.106-12.

WEINSTEIN, D., Bureaucratic Opposition, Pergamon, New York, 1979.

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WELFORD, R.J., "Whistleblowing in the Private Sector", paper to Australian Securities Commission Corporate Lawyers Forum, Brisbane, 10 February 1993.

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WESTIN, A.S. & SALISBURY, S. (eds.), Individual Rights in the Corporation, Pantheon Books, New York, 1980.

WESTMAN, D.P., Whistleblowing: The Law of Retaliatory Discharge, BNA Books, Washington DC, 1991.

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WESTWOOD, M., "Whistleblower Tells Inquiry of Threats", The Australian, 12 January 1994.

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"Whistleblower Fund Advocated in NZ", Engineers Australia, 9 March 1988.

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"`Whistleblowers' Coming", Toowoomba Chronicle, 20 March 1993, p.11.

"Whistleblowers: Saint or Snitch", Credit Union Executive, 32 (1), January/February 1992, pp.30-34.

"Whistleblowers Seek Protection", Courier-Mail, 9 December 1991.

"Whistleblowers `Should Not Fear Jobs Backlash'", Gold Coast Bulletin, 20 July 1993.

"`Whistle Blown' on Thefts", Courier-Mail, 27 March 1993.

"Whistle Blowing: A Time to Listen...A Time to Hear", in Richter, W.W., Burke, F., and Doig, J.W. (eds.), Combatting Corruption/Encouraging Ethics: A Sourcebook for Public Service Ethics, American Society for Public Administration, Washington, DC., 1990. Source: Policy Issues Committee, Revised 30 November 1979, Adopted by the National Council on 2 December 1979.

"Whistleblowing and Professional Responsibility", New York Education Quarterly, 2-11, 1979.

"Whistling Out of Tune?", The Weekend Australian, 25-26 September 1993, Weekend Review.

WILKINS, M., "`Dobbers Sent to Hired Guns'" Sydney Sunday Telegraph, 13 June 1993.

WILLERTON, J.P. (Jr.), "N. Lampert, Whistleblowing in the Soviet Union (1985). New York: Schocken Books. $23.95", Corruption and Reform, 1(3), 1986, pp.273-276.

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WILLIAMSON,S., "Another Hurdle Overcome: The Quest for Uniform Defamation Laws", Law Institute Journal, 67 (3), March 1993, pp.131-133.

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WINFIELD, M., Minding Your Own Business: Regulation and Whistleblowing in British Companies, Social Audit, London, 1990.

WOOD, J.T.D., "Whistleblower Protection Legislation", Rupert Journal, 10, October 1984, pp. 26-29.

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YALLAMAS, L., "Agony for Disabled: Carer `Taught How to Hurt'", Courier-Mail, 12 January 1994, p.1.

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ZURER, P.S., "Panel Recommendation Would Hobble Scientific Misconduct Investigations", Chemical & Engineering News, 70 (44), 2 November 1992, pp.19-20.


The following sections reference Whistleblowing as it applies to particular professions.



ABRAMS, A.L., "Whistleblowers", Business and Economic Review, 39 (2), January-March 1993, pp.28-30.

ARNOLD, D.F.(Snr.) & PONEMON, L.A., "Internal Auditors' Perceptions of Whistle-Blowing and the Influence of Moral Reasoning: An Experiment", Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 10 (2), Fall 1991, pp.1-15.

BARLAS, S., "Whistleblower Awards Program Resuscitated", Internal Auditor, December 1992 p.10.

BARLAS, S., "Whistleblower Bill Likely to Move Quickly", Internal Auditor, 50(1), February 1993 pp.10-11.

BARLAS, S., "Whistleblower Protection Criticized", Internal Auditor, 50, June 1993 p.11.

BENSON, G.C.S., "Codes of Ethics, Whistleblowing and Managerial Auditing", Managerial Auditing Journal, 1992, pp.37-40.

COURTEMANCHE, G., "The Ethics of Whistle Blowing", Internal Auditor, February 1988, pp.36-41.

FLESHER, D., & BUTTROSS, T., "Whistleblowing Hotlines", Internal Auditor, 49 (4), August 1992, pp.54- 58.

GARRETT, A.D., "Auditor Whistle Blowing: the Financial Fraud Detection and Disclosure Act", Seton Hall Legislative Journal, Vol.17, 1993, pp.91-136.

NEAR, J.P. & MICELI, M.P., The Internal Auditor's Ultimate Responsibility: The Reporting of Sensitive Issues, Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation, Altamonte Springs FL, 1988.

RYAN, C., "Whistle-blower is Out in the Cold", Sydney Morning Herald, 20 March 1993, pp.36,33.

TIDRICK, D., "Ethics and Whistleblowing in the Workplace", Internal Auditing, 7 (3), Winter 1992, pp.3- 10.

VINTEN, G., Whistleblowing Auditors: A Contradiction in Terms?, Chartered Association of Certified Accountants, 1992.

VINTEN, G., "The Whistleblowing Internal Auditor", Internal Auditing, 8 (2), Fall 1992, pp.26-33.

WILLIAMS, J. & DAVIDOW, B., "Canceling out Corruption: A Group of Australian Internal Auditors is Waging War Against Fraud and Corruption", Internal Auditor, 50, June 1993, pp.33-37.


ASSOCIATION OF FOREST SERVICE EMPLOYEES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT, Protecting Integrity and Ethics Report (Proceedings of a Conference for Government Employees of Environmental, Wildlife and Natural Resources Agencies), Association of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics, Eugene OR, 1992.

BLUMENFELD, K., "Dilemmas of Disclosure: Ethical Issues in Environmental Auditing", Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 8 (3), 1989, pp.5-28.


"CJC Slaps USQ on Staff Controls", Courier-Mail, 15 April 1993, p.5.

"Ex-director in Search of Job", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 7 February 1993.

MASLEN, G., "What Happens to Whistleblowers Who Help Expose Academic Fraud?", Melbourne Age, 10 August 1992.


ANDERSON, J., "Fitzgerald Vendetta: Another Chapter", Washington Post, 1 November 1980.

BAKER, M., "Employer Response to Professional Complaints and Alarms: Can Corporate Scientists and Engineers Speak Out?", paper presented to the annual meeting of the Institute for Chemists, Atlantic City NJ, May 1983.

CAREW, W.E., "Views on Professional Practice and Ethics", Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering, 110 (2), 1984, pp.70-73.

CARLSON, P., "A. Ernest Fitzgerald: His Commitment to Cutting Costs Has Made Him No.1 on the Pentagon's Hate List", People, 9 December 1985, pp.77-81.

CHALK, R. & VON HIPPEL, F., "Due Process for Dissenting Whistle-blowers: Dealing with Technical Dissent in the Organization", Technology Review, 81, June/July 1989, pp.48-55.

DANDEKAR, N., Whistleblowing and Other Ethical Issues for Women Engineers, New England Society of Women Engineers, Boston University, Boston, 1986.

FITZGERALD, A.E., The High Priests of Waste, W.W. Norton, New York, 1972.

HOFFMAN, W., "The Ford Pinto", in W. Hoffman and J. Moore (eds.), Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984, pp.249-260.

HUGHSON, R.V. & KOHN, P.M., "Ethics", Chemical Engineering, 87 (19), 22 September 1980, pp.132- 147.

KNOWLES, J., "Engineers Have Ethics - So What? Why Engineers Won't Blow the Whistle and What to do About It", paper presented to Australia & New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science Congress, 16 September 1992.

KOEHN, E., "Practitioner Involvement with Engineering Ethics and Professionalism", Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 118 (1), pp.49-55.

LADENSON, R.F., The Social Responsibilities of Engineers and Scientists: A Philosophical Approach, Occasional Papers No.1, Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions, April 1979.

MARTIN, Mike W., "Whistleblowing: professionalism, personal life, and shared responsibility for safety in engineering", Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 11, 1992; 21-40.

MATLEY, J., GREENE, R. & McCAULEY, C., "Health, Safety and Environment: CE Readers Say What's Right", Chemical Engineering, 94 (13), 28 September 1987, pp.108-120.

NEARY, V., The Trials of a Whistleblower: Interim Report on Victimisation and Harassment for Blowing the Whistle, V. Neary, Turramurra NSW, 1992.

NEARY, V., Second Report on Victimisation and Harassment, V. Neary, Turramurra NSW, 1993.

OLSON, J., "Engineering Attitudes Toward Professionalism, Employment, and Social Responsibility", Professional Engineer, 42 (8), pp.30-32.

PERRUCCI, R., ANDERSON, R.M., SCHENDEL, D.E., TRACHTMAN, L.E., "Whistleblowing: Professionals' Resistance to Organizational Authority", Social Problems, 28, 1980/81, pp.149-163.

PLETTA, D.H., "Professional Support for Safety-Conscious Whistleblowers", Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering, 112 (2), 1986, pp.141-149.

SAWYIER, F.H., "What Should Professional Societies do About Ethics?", Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering, 110 (2), 1984, pp.88-99.

VANDIVIER, K., "The Aircraft Brake Scandal", Harper's, April 1972, pp.45-52.

VOGEL, R.L., "Deterrent Effects of `Whistleblower' Lawsuits Justify False Claims Act", Aviation Week & Space Technology, 135 (18), 4 November 1991, pp.74-74.

"Work Stress Like War", Courier-Mail, 18 August 1993, p.13.


ASSOCIATION OF FOREST SERVICE EMPLOYEES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS & GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT, Protecting Integrity and Ethics Report (Proceedings of a Conference for Government Employees of Environmental, Wildlife and Natural Resources Agencies), Association of Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics, Eugene OR, 1992.

BLUMENFELD, K., "Dilemmas of Disclosure: Ethical Issues in Environmental Auditing", Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 8 (3), 1989, pp.5-28.

GARRISON, A., "The Mysterious Case of Karen Silkwood", The Ecologist, November/December, Vol. 9, No. 8,9.

GILLESPIE, P., "CJC Witness Tells of Fear and Threats: The Worries of a Whistleblower", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 7 November 1993, pp.6-7.

GILLESPIE, P., "Witness Turns Down CJC Protection Offer", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 14 November 1993, p.35.

GRODIN, M.L., & KEITH, A.B., "Nuclear Whistleblowers", Federal Bar News & Journal, Vol.41, February 1994, pp.98-105.

KOHN, S.M. & CARPENTER, T., "Nuclear Whistleblower Protection and the Scope of Protected Activity under Section 210 of the Energy Reorganization Act", Antioch Law Journal, Vol.4, Summer 1986, pp.73-98.

MATLEY, J., GREENE, R. & McCAULEY, C., "Health, Safety and Environment", Chemical Engineering, 94 (13), 28 September 1987, pp.108-120.

ORR, J., "Greens to Accuse McGrady: Miner Shunned after Report", Brisbane Sun-Herald, 17 October 1993, p.5.

ORR, J., "$1 Billion Mines Scandal", Brisbane Sun-Herald, 9 May 1993, pp.1, 12-13.

TUCKER, D., "Dumping Informant Claims Threat Notes", Courier-Mail, 4 November 1993, p.3.

UNRECORDED AUTHOR, "Nuclear Employers no Longer Shielded from Whistleblower State Tort Claims: Fallout From English v. General Electrica Company, Hofstra Labor Law Journal, Vol.8, Spring 1991, pp.493-526.

WEINSTOCK, M., "Blowing in the Wind", Occupational Hazards, 54 (8), August 1992, pp.37-39.

Health and Safety

ALCORN, G., "Whistleblowers: Doctor Fallout", Time Australia, 29 November 1993, pp.54-55.

BEARDSHAW, V., Conscientious Objectors at Work: Mental Health Workers - A Case Study, Social Audit, London, 1981.

CURTIN, L., Ethical Issues in Nursing and Nursing Education, National League for Nursing, New York, 1980.

FIDELL, "Federal Protection of Private Sector Health and Safety Whistleblowers", Administrative Law Journal, 2, 1988, p.84.

FIESTA, J., "Whistleblowers: Heroes or Stool Pigeons? - Part I", Nursing Management, 21 (6), June 1990, pp.16-17.

FIESTA, J., "Whistleblowers: Retaliation or Protection? - Part II", Nursing Management, 21 (7), 1990, p.38.

FRY, S.T., "Whistle Blowing by Nurses: A Matter of Ethics", Nursing Outlook, 37 (1), p.56.

HAMMOND, P., "Doctor in Fraud Inquiry", Courier-Mail, 18 March 1993.

HAMMOND, P., "Researcher Alleges Persecution", Courier-Mail, 24 March, 1993.

HAMMOND, P., "Doctors Afraid to Speak Out: AMA", Courier-Mail, 1 April 1993, p.20.

"Hippocrates Meets Mammon", Economist, 316 (7673), 22 September 1990, p.95.

LENNANE, K.J., "`Whistleblowing': A Health Issue", British Medical Journal, 307, 11 September 1993, pp.667-670.

MATLEY, J., GREENE, R. & McCAULEY, C., "Health, Safety and Environment", Chemical Engineering, 94 (13), 28 September 1987, pp.108-120.

MISBRENER, J.M., "An Action Plan for Chemical Safety", Occupational Hazards, 52 (7), July 1990, p.35.

MOORE, T.L., "OSHA Pushes for Higher Profile", Fleet Owner [Big Fleet Edition], 85 (3), March 1990, pp.83-96.

PLETTA, D.H., "Professional Support for Safety-Conscious Whistleblowers", Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering, 112 (2), 1986, pp.141-149.

SMITH, A., "Fired Employee Says Complaint Caused Sacking", Courier-Mail, 21 April 1993.

SMITH, A., "Former Worker Slams Turnover at Biala Centre", Courier-Mail, 22 April 1993, p.6.

SMITH, R., "Whistleblowing: A Curse on Ineffective Organisations", British Medical Journal, 305, 28 November 1992, pp.1308-1309.

TATTAM, A., "Blowing the Whistle", Nursing Times, 85(23), 7 June 1989, p.20.

TATTAM, A., "Whistle Blowing: You Can Survive It!", Australian Nursing Journal, 1(4), October 1993, pp.17-19.

TOOHEY, J., "Occupational Violence: A Problem Becoming an Issue", Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, February 1992, pp.3-4.


AUSTRALIAN PRESS COUNCIL, "Submission to the New South Wales Parliament Legislation Committee on the Whistleblowers Protection Bill 1992 (No.2)", Australian Press Council News, 5(2), May 1993, 21.

DWORKIN, T. & CALLAHAN, E., "Employee Disclosures to the Media: When is a "Source" a "Sourcerer"?", Hastings Communications and Entertainment Law Journal, Vol.15, Winter 1993, pp.357-97.

EDITORIAL, "Science, Journalism and Whistleblowing", Science, 240 (4852), 29 April 1988, p.585.

FRIED, L.I., "P&G's Search for Leaks Toughens Reporters' Jobs", Folio: The Magazine for Magazine Management, 20 (10), 1 October 1991, p.37.

GRUNDY, B., "The Reform Process and the Media: Good News and Bad News" in Hede, A., Prasser, S. & Neylan, M. (eds.), Keeping Them Honest: Democratic Reform in Queensland, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1992, pp.43-53.

KOSHLAND, D.E., "Science, Journalism and Whistleblowing", Science, 240 (4852), 1988, p.585.

Law & Police

"Apology: Criminal Justice Commission", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 26 September 1993, p.4.

ARANTZ, P., A Collusion of Powers, Philip Arantz, Dunedoo NSW, 1993.

BADHWAR, I., "Merit System Policeman Accused of Copping Out", Federal Times, 20 October 1980.


COMMONWEALTH CRIMINAL LAW REVIEW COMMITTEE (H.T. Gibbs, Chairman), Final Report, Attorney-General's Department, Canberra, December 1991.

CREDSON, J.M., "Former FBI Agent Tells Investigators of Widespread Abuse and Corruption", New York Times, 20 January 1979, p.8.

FIFE-YEOMANS, J., "Former Minister Slams Police Corruption", The Weekend Australian, 25-26 September 1993, p.15.

FRANKLIN, M., "CJC Boss Faces Probe: Mps Told of Threat Claim", Courier-Mail, 16 October 1993, p.1.

GIBSON, J., "Practice and Procedure in Defamation Proceedings", paper presented to Law Society of New South Wales Young Lawyers Section, Sydney, 11 March 1992.

GREENWALD, J., "A Matter of Honor", Time Magazine, 21 June 1993, pp.49-50.

HAWKINS, G., "A Collusion of Powers by Philip Arantz. Arantz Publishing. 495pp, $24.95", Weekend Australian, 24-25 July 1993, Weekend Review p.6.

HORNE, Eric, "Blowing the Police Whistle", IPA Review, Vol.45, No.4, 1992.

JAROSLOVSKY, R., "Blowing the Whistle Begins a Nightmare for Lawyer Joe Rose", Wall Street Journal, 9 November 1977.

JOHNSON, D., "Justice for Whistleblowers?: The Phillip Arantz Case", Legal Service Bulletin, February 1985, p.45 (now Alternative Law Review).

LAMBLE, S., "CJC Opens the Door to Key Report", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 5 September 1993, p.54.

LAMBLE, S., "Ex-Cops Tell of Cover-Up", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 12 September 1993, pp.58-59.

LAMBLE, S., "Living in Fear", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 14 November 1993, pp.59-61.

LAMBLE, S., "MLA Claims Harassment", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 14 November 1993, p.36.

LAMBLE, S., "Police in Cold over Fake Zips", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 16 January 1994, p.10.

LAMBLE, S., "Police Protect MP's Children", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 19 September 1993, p.16.

LAMBLE, S., "Secret Gag on Cops", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 29 August 1993, pp.1, 4-5, 65-66.

LAMBLE, S., "The Secrets We Should Not Keep", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 5 September 1993, p.53.

LAMBLE, S., "Why We Need a Medusa Case Royal Commission", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 5 September 1993, p. 55.

LEE, S., "Big Apple's Rotten Corps: Crooked Cops Rock New York", Brisbane Sunday Mail, 3 October 1993, p.54.

LOPATKA, "The Emerging Law of Wrongful Discharge: A Quadrennial Assessment of the Labor Law Issue of the 80s", Business Law, 40 (1), 1984, p.36.

MAAS, P., Serpico, The Viking Press, New York, 1973.

MEADE, K., "CJC Chief Summoned to Answer Threat Claim", The Australian, 2 November 1993, p.5.

"Officer May Face Hearing", Courier-Mail, 2 March 1993.

PARLIAMENTARY JOINT COMMITTEE ON THE NATIONAL CRIME AUTHORITY (AUST), Witness Protection Report (PP 193/88), Parliamentary House, Canberra, 1988.

ROBERTS, G., "Queensland Police Corruption: Back on the Same Old Beat", The Bulletin, 1 June 1993, pp.30-36.

ROSECRANCE, J., "Whistleblowing in Probation Departments", Journal of Criminal Justice, 16, 1988, pp.99-109.

SILVESTER, J., "QC to Probe Allegations Against NCA", Sunday Age, 12 September 1993, p.5.

THORNE, E., "The Criminal Justice Commission and Local Government", paper presented to Central Queensland Conference of Institute of Municipal Management (Queensland Division), Gladstone QLD, February 1992.

THURLOW, C., "O'Sullivan Warned on Police Conduct", Courier-Mail, 2 February 1993, p.3.

TOBIN, T.K. & SEXTON, M., "Changes in the Law of Defamation", paper presented to Law Society of New South Wales Young Lawyers Section, Sydney, 11 March 1992.

WESTMAN, D.P., Whistleblowing: The Law of Retaliatory Discharge, BNA Books, Washington DC, 1991.

WILLIAMS, R.J., "Corruption in Queensland: The Fitzgerald Inquiry", Corruption and Reform, 6(1), 1991, pp.53-60.

WILLIAMSON,S., "Another Hurdle Overcome: The Quest for Uniform Defamation Laws", Law Institute Journal, 67 (3), March 1993, pp.131-133.


ASCH, S., "Effects of Group Pressure on the Modification and Distortion of Judgements" in H. Guetzkow (ed.), Groups, Leadership and Men, Russell & Russell, New York, 1951, pp.177-190.

BARNETT, T.R., "Will Your Employees Blow the Whistle?", HR Magazine, 37 (7), July 1992, pp.76-78.

BARNETT, T., "Why Your Company Should Have a Whistleblowing Policy", SAM Advanced Management Journal, 57 (4), Autumn 1992, pp.27-42.

BARNETT, T., "A Preliminary Investigation of the Relationship Between Selected Organizational Characteristics and External Whistleblowing by Employees", Journal of Business Ethics, 11 (12), December 1992, pp.949-959.

BARNETT, T.R. & COCHRAN, D.S., "Making Room for the Whistleblower", HR Magazine, 36 (4), January 1991, pp.58-61.

BARNETT, T., COCHRAN, D.S., TAYLOR, G.S., "The Internal Disclosure Policies of Private-Sector Employers: An Initial Look at their Relationship to Employee Whistleblowing", Journal of Business Ethics, 12 (2), February 1993, pp.127-136.

BARRETT, M., "Whistleblowing and Quality Management", paper presented to Criminal Justice Commission/Royal Institute of Public Administration (Queensland Division) seminar, "Whistleblowers: Concerned Citizens or Disloyal Mates?", Brisbane, 23 November 1993.

BRAITHWAITE, J., GRABOSKY, P. & RICKWOOD, D., "Research Note: Corruption Allegations and Australian Business Regulation", Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 19, 1986, pp.176-186.

BRIEF, A.P. & MOTOWIDLO, S., "Prosocial Organizational Behaviours", Academy of Management Review, 11 (4), 1986, pp.710-725.

DUSKA, R., "Whistleblowing and Employee Loyalty", in Desjardins, J.R. & McCall, J.J., Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont CA, 1985, pp.295-300.

EGLER, T. & EDWARDS, E.L., "Retaliating Against the Whistleblower", Risk Management, 39 (8), August 1992, pp.24-32.

ELLISTON, F., KEENAN, J., LOCKHART, P. & VAN SCHAICK, J., Whistleblowing: Managing Dissent in the Workplace, Praeger, New York, 1985.

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MORLEY, P., "Apply Whistleblower Law to Private Sector: EARC", Courier-Mail, 30 October 1991, p.12.

STANLEY, J.D., "Dissent in organisations", Academy of Management Review, 6 (1), 1981, pp.13-19.

VINTEN, G., "Whistle Blowing: Corporate Help or Hindrance?", Management Decision, 30 (1), 1992, pp.44- 48.

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WALTERS, K.D., "Your Employee's Right to Blow the Whistle", Harvard Business Review, 53 (4), 1975, pp.26-34, 161-162.

WELFORD, R.J., "Whistleblowing in the Private Sector", paper to Australian Securities Commission Corporate Lawyers Forum, Brisbane, 10 February 1993.

WINFIELD, M., Minding Your Own Business: Regulation and Whistleblowing in British Companies, Social Audit, London, 1990.

Mental Health

BEARDSHAW, V., Conscientious Objectors at Work: Mental Health Workers - A Case Study, Social Audit, London, 1981.


CRIBB, J., "Committed to Truth", The Australian, 8 September 1993, p.11.

"Inquiry Told of Carer's History of Indecency", Courier-Mail, 13 January 1994, p.5.

KING, M., "Worker Sacked Over Attack on Disabled Patient", Weekend Australian, 27 March 1993.

LENNANE, K.J., "`Whistleblowing': A Health Issue", British Medical Journal, 307, 11 September 1993, pp.667-670.

QUEENSLAND NURSES' UNION OF EMPLOYEES, Submission to the Department of Health Concerning the Review of Queensland Mental Health Law, (unpub.), December 1992.

SIMPSON, B., "Accountability After Ward 10B", Legal Service Bulletin, 16 (2), April 1991, pp.67-69.

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WESTWOOD, M., "Inquiry Chief Slams Threats", The Australian, 13 January 1994, p.5.

WESTWOOD, M., "Whistleblower Tells Inquiry of Threats", The Australian, 12 January 1994.

WILKINS, M., "`Dobbers Sent to Hired Guns'" Sydney Sunday Telegraph, 13 June 1993.

YALLAMAS, L., "Agony for Disabled: Carer `Taught How to Hurt'", Courier-Mail, 12 January 1994, p.1.


THOMPSON, M., "Cashing in on Military Fraud. Stealth Law. Whistleblowers and Their Lawyers are Manoeuvring to Cash in on Military Fraud", California Lawyer, Vol.8, October 1988, pp.33-37.


CURTIN, L., Ethical Issues in Nursing and Nursing Education, National League for Nursing, New York, 1980.

FRY, S.T., "Whistleblowing by Nurses: A Matter of Ethics," Nursing Outlook, 37:1, January/February 1989, p.56.

HAMMOND, P., "Whistle While You Work," Nursing Times, 89:28, July 19, 1993, p.22.

O'CONNOR, T., "A Professional Struggle," Nursing New Zealand, 86:7, August 1993, pp.22-24.

PARKS, R., "Give Voice to Your Thousand Silent Screams, Australian Nursing Journal, 1:2, August 1993, pp.3-4.

PETERSEN, J. & FARRELL, D., Whistleblowing: Ethical and Legal Issues in Expressing Disssent, Dubuque, IA 1986, Kendall Hunt, USA

QUEENSLAND NURSES' UNION OF EMPLOYEES, Submission to the Department of Health Concerning the Review of Queensland Mental Health Law, (unpub.), December 1992.

TATTAM, A., "Blowing the Whistle", Nursing Times, 85(23), 7 June 1989, p.20.

Public Administration

ALLARS, M., "Whistleblowing: Where Public Interest Parts Company with Government Interest", paper presented to Royal Institute of Public Administration Australia (NSW Division) seminar, "Blowing the Whistle", Sydney, 1 September 1992.

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Whistleblowing Law in the U.S. (Extra References)

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